DUI Attorney in Phoenix – The Most Professional Service Provider

Author: Vikram Kumar

In the present society, where the economic development has taken a great leap forward and its manifestations can be seen in almost every sphere of our life. While these developments have changed our lifestyle, with their footprints on almost every single issue of our daily life; there are some problems, which are the offshoots of this development process and may put us into unwanted trouble every now and then. In any modern city or in a semi-urban area, we can see lots of vehicles plying on the roads, which often led some kinds of problems and get the person concerned on the wrong foot.

Like any other countries; the transport related problems are on a rise in the USA and there are stringent legal provisions to curb the menace of roadside brawl or accidents, due to Driving under Influence, DUI, which is the most common issue in front of the police and transport department. It is often found that the authority carrying out some sort of random checking of the vehicles to identify; whether any driver is driving under the influence of drug or alcohol, which may be disastrous for the person and others.

If somebody gets into the trouble of DUI, it becomes a horrible moment for him and in this kind of situation; he needs to have the support of a qualified DUI attorney to get out of this problem. The DUI attorney in phoenix has the ability, as well as, having the required expertise and experience to provide legal support to his client.

Important Features

If a person has been detained or arrested for a problem like DUI, especially in Arizona, he needs to be very careful, because the law is very tough on this issue, therefore; one has to take the support of the expert to get the positive solution of the problem. There are four categories of DUI offenses in the Arizona area; those can be fought by DUI attorney in phoenix, which are coming under the legal process and subject to various degrees of punishments. These four categories are:

  • BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration: This is the most common nature of the offense that occurs on the road, where the percentage of alcohol in the blood is 0.08 percent or may be higher than that; it's recognized as a major offense, whether the individual was driving in an impaired condition or not.
  • Extreme DUI: If the blood alcohol percentage is within the limit of 0.15 to a maximum of 0.199; considered as the extreme level of DUI.
  • Super Extreme DUI: In this category, the blood alcohol percentage is considered as 0.20 to a higher level and these kinds of cases are recognized as super extreme.
  • Felony DUI: When there is some sorts of bodily injury or may be death occurred, due to any accident under DUI, is charged as the case of Felony and subject to maximum punishment.

In any kinds of aforementioned DUI problem; the DUI attorney phoenix AZ has the potential of defending his client, with every possible legal support including the documentation to final pleading in front of the judge. The attorney is having the ability to fight the case and also effectively negotiate with the appropriate authority, regarding the magnitude of punishment, if the client adjudged guilty by the court.

If someone is caught in a DUI problem and want to get a proper legal support to get out of the trouble; the http://www.benikovlaw.com/ DUI attorney in phoenix and http://www.benikovlaw.com/ DUI attorney phoenix AZ could be the best option, as they are having the knowledge and expertise in handling these kinds of cases.