How are Wood Repair Kits Useful in Fixing Sash Window of Your Living Room?

Author: Anu Radha

Repairing defective sash windows is a very helpful way to decrease your energy bills, especially if your home is years older. Here we are going to discuss wood repair kits to seal up drafty windows in your home.

If you want to repair any wooden things in your home such as a door or a sash window then first of all you need to buy a repair kit. Measure your sash-windows accurately and make sure your window openings are square before buying the kit. Using a kit does not involve restoring the window frame so make sure that the window frame is in a good condition before going on. The cost of wood repair kits cost is about £170, but the cost may vary rather depending on the size of window you are repairing. The repair kit will allow you to not only repair the sash window but also enhance its energy efficiency and shield properties. In addition, some window repair kits include an upgrade to tilt in or detachable panes that facilitate cleaning. Assemble up all the gears and materials you require ahead of time. Installation of the window takes about an hour.

Kit Installation OverviewThe good news about the wood repair kits is that most of the repair work can be done by anyone without having specialty. Before starting your DIY window repair, you must be sure to stain or paint the replacement window. Then, detach the sashes by cutting the sash cords, removing the sash-stop, and sash-cord hardware such as sash weights and pulleys. The kit should include vinyl side jambs and metal clips that shatter into the recess occupied by the hardware and sash-cords. Once the substitute jambs are fitted, it is just a simple thing to install the replacement sash window.

A window repair kit for your home is a great option to replacing the whole window. With a little care and a few simple equipments, you should be capable to consequence repairs on your own without a carpenter.

Mohawk can provide you with modified wood repair kits. The wood repair kits include furniture touch up products and touch up pens for cabinets and many more. From high quality cabinet and furniture repairs to fixing minor scratches in wood, they have got you covered. Once you bought a wooden repair kit to correct the faulty window, door or any other thing is to be needed repaired. These kits comes in various different varieties, you can choose one of them according to your needs. Some repair kits come with repairing tools, fixer, and polish and stain remover etc. You can choose wood repair kit according to your requirement such as if you want to remove stains then you can select a wood stain kit, which is use to remove minor nicks and scratches it included aerosol OZ Polish, aerosol Vinyl-Plastic & Leather Cleaner, 2 Steel Wool Pads, 12 assorted Fil-Stik Putty Sticks, Graining Pen – Dark Brown, and assorted Pro-Mark II Markers.