Suffering from a frozen shoulder pain? Get instant treatment with the following pain solution

Author: Gagandeep Singh

Frozen shoulder, also referred to as adhesive capsulitis usually happens when there is stiffness in the shoulder resulting in immobility of the shoulder joints. It basically affects people who are in their 40s to 60s, diabetic patients, and women. There are also a variety of other factors that significantly increase the risk of developing a shoulder pain such as Parkinson's disease, obesity, and tuberculosis.

How to prevent shoulder pain?

As the problem can be extremely troublesome for many, there are several things you can follow to prevent it.

To start off, ensure that you are following a healthy lifestyle. Integrating exercise into your daily life can help you prevent this problem or make your should mobile again if you are suffering from shoulder pain. You can either join a yoga class or go for a walk daily while stretching. One of the best examples is your car. If you are unable to regularly use it, at least keep it tuned up, or wash it regularly to give your body and shoulder joints a regular exercise.

What are the common frozen shoulder pain solutions?

People who are looking for instantly frozen shoulder pain solutions may want to consider having a surgery to loosen up their shoulder joints and bring back the movements in their shoulder. However, if you are one of those who do not want to undergo a surgery may be looking for alternative pain solution. Some of these treatments include massage, physiotherapy, corticosteroid injections and cold treatments.

Over the counter pain relieve medicines like codeine and paracetamol can also help you get rid of a severe adhesive capsulitis pain. These medicines are often physician-approved anti-inflammatory agents and pain killers that offer instant relief lasting 6 to 8 hours.

Other natural remedies for adhesive capsulitis include spine sublimation, acupuncture, and massage, which are actually proven to be extremely effective.

Alternative frozen shoulder pain solutions

There are also certain chiropractic treatments you can consider to get relief from pain as well. A professional chiropractor examines your history and performs an extensive scan of your spine, neck, and shoulder. Once the physical exam is done, he/she may further ask for other tests such as x-ray or MRI. This confirms that the chiropractor wants to start the treatment as soon as possible so the patient can experience comfort and regain movement of the shoulder rapidly.

These professionals provide a natural drug-free frozen shoulder pain treatment. A chiropractor performs a gentle shoulder mobilization as well as the manipulation of the neck and spine. These experts also work on the shoulder muscles which may have tightened and developed scar tissue. Most of the time weak muscles cause severe pain in the shoulder and its joints. You may also be given light exercises to perform at home that will boost your range of motion.

When you feel even slight stiffness in your shoulder, it is best to get the treatment at the earliest to avoid more symptoms of this problem.