Important Benefits of Having a Website Crawler Software

Author: Ronak Shah

Web crawlers are internet bots that automatically and systematically explores the world wide web to index websites. They are commonly employed by search engines for indexing websites, but they are crucial aspects of specially developed software for custom data extraction, too. With a web crawler software, you can easily scrape or gather unstructured data from any website. Data is transformed into structured data for easy interpretation, and it is saved in a format that is easy to for you to use (such as XLSX, JSON, XML, SQL, and CSV). Here are some of the important benefits of using website crawler software:

  • Generate leads – A website crawler software solution may improve the quality of your leads, since it can focus on your exact target audience for reliable and high-quality information. Vital information like designation, name, email, address, and phone numbers from target websites can be acquired. High-end web crawler software solutions are developed with advanced abilities to search prospects and generate millions of contacts in a few hours.
  • It saves time – The website crawler software does everything automatically, so you can eliminate the need to copy and paste data or verify the information by yourself. This way, you and your team can focus on other matters for your business. It gives only the data that you want, too, so you do not have to worry about spending time weeding out useless information.
  • Pricing intelligence – Business intelligence is crucial for your company’s growth and competitiveness, and a website crawler software can help you with that. The software can aid you with pricing intelligence about your competitor’s products, inventory, prices, and other important things. With the right software, you should be able to track, compare, and analyze the prices of your competitor in real-time.
  • You can store the data – The web crawler software automatically saves the data in the format that you want, so you can store it for future reference.

Scalability is another fantastic benefit of using a website crawler software solution. The capabilities of the software can be scaled to the current and future needs of your business. Its data collection tools are designed to respond to the changes being made to websites, so updates are easily delivered to keep up with them.

About The Author:

Ronak Shah is the co-founder of WebDataGuru, a brand that deals in web data extraction. WebDataGuru extracts web data based on customer specifications from the targeted websites. They offer various software’s like web crawler software, data collection tools and much more. With an experience of over 7 years in the web data extraction industry, they provide services involving web data extraction, python web scraping and processing right from popular websites extractors to highly customized and specialized price comparison service.