Crystal Cup Trophies - A Quick Guide on Symbolism

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Those who want to make the recipient of an award feel truly special will never go wrong with crystal cup trophies. The elegance of the medium coupled with various etching and 3D engraving techniques can help transform a simple block of glass into a piece of art.

Embedding the right symbols into the trophy, however, will elevate into something much more meaningful. Do it right and the recipient will proudly display his or her trophy for decades to come!

The Event or Achievement

One of the most important symbolic icons of crystal cup trophies is a representation of the event or achievement that warranted the trophy in the first place. It is insufficient to simply jot down a line saying that so-and-so achieved this-and-that on a certain date. No, a powerful visual representation of the sport, activity, event or achievement must accompany these words. You could pick out the primary tool of the sport, like a basketball or hunting rifle; or you could depict a human symbol undertaking the activity the award was for. The whole point of all this is that the visual representation needs to be easily understood by average layman, so that he or she will easily appreciate the value of the trophy at a glance. Secret Message

The designs on crystal cup trophies will benefit greatly from a hidden message or two that only the recipients of the trophy will understand at a glance. These hidden messages will empower the recipient with the knowledge that he or she is part of an exclusive group of individuals - the rare few that understand the deeper meaning of the piece. These secret messages can help transform awards for relatively minor achievements into something memorable that will fill the recipients with pride every time they lay their eyes on the precious cup. Do note that these messages aren't limited purely to text. You can also embed a few images that would appear to have little to no significance for the casual observer, but those better informed would quickly get the underlying message if they know the true meaning of the image.

History and Inventiveness

There is a dilemma for awards given out on repeated events like yearly competitions. The core design of the crystal cup trophies need to be consistent enough to be recognizable, yet there must be enough room for change in order to keep it fresh and meaningful for the recipient. This is where the balance between history and inventiveness needs to be taken into consideration. The core design of the piece must be recognizable enough for people to understand its value - the history. The cup must also include design changes to make people look forward to receiving the award - the inventiveness. Get the balance right and the whole thing will work out well even when the event is repeated year on year!

Keep these bits in mind and you'll be able to come up with designs for your crystal cup trophies to hold a deeper meaning for all involved.

George Berdichevsky is the Founder of 3Design Center, which designs image files to be used in the production of crystal cup trophies. His team of talented artists can create bespoke images for 3D engraving from any idea or image. Visit the website for more information.