Track Lights – A Guide to Buy the Right Commercial Track Lighting Online
The track lights can be mounted to ceilings and walls. They can also be mounted on the down beams, cross wise across rafters or on joists. They can also be fixed or hang with rods from high places like the vaulted ceilings.
The track lights may have more than one live conductor. This may require you to use multiple switched circuits to control various fittings on the same track. The tracks are of three types, which are used standard across the world. They are categorized into "H", "J" and "L" tracks. Most of the systems use single live and digital control interfaces like DALI for controlling the fittings. This states that each fitting can be easily controlled in an independent manner. The modern and Commercial Track Lighting Online is available with low voltage specifications such as, 10, 12, 24 and so. These lights can be used for decorative purpose too. There are two-circuit configurations available in this system. The track is powered using transformer that can convert high voltage into low voltage. There are also electronic and magnetic transformers available.
The track lights are available in various sizes. The length of track light rail states about how many lights it can hold. Generally, the track light systems can accommodate 3 to 6 lights.
The track lights are available in different types; however the type you choose will depend on the location they are going to be fixed. There are two main parts in the track lighting system such as the track head and the rail or the bar. You can rotate the track light heads to various areas of room for better lighting. The track lighting can be used in any places or rooms like kitchen, office, living room and much more.
The linear type of track lights is used for both commercial and residential needs. They can provide task or accent lighting. The tracks commonly come in 4 to 8 foot length and you can also extend the size of fixture as you need. The T-connectors will allow having second line of track, which is diverted from the main line. This type of track lighting system is very effective in galleries.
The stop head track light is a standard style, which will work well for the interior décor purpose. Round back head track lights will feature a sleek and modern design. The pinhole type of track light is partially exposed back and will give an industrial look.