A Guide to Asbestos Surveys and Its Removal

Author: Nathan Jons

There was a time several decades ago where asbestos was one of the prime construction material put to use whenever there was a new building or construction coming up. This is because it was sound-proof, shock resistant, resistant to electricity, water resistant and proved to make the construction long-lasting without any possible repairs and replacements for a long time altogether. Since the time asbestos was banned, its use was comparatively less where people sought for better alternatives. Asbestos was banned as the fibres that it contains were known to create lung infections and ailments such as lung cancer, asbestosis, asthma, etc.

Several efforts and awareness campaigns were put across several nations to stop the usage. There were several who allowed special asbestos surveys in Surrey to be conducted on the premises and come across areas that are likely to be at risk due to the presence of asbestos and its particles. This has been continuing till date where there are several who conduct frequent surveys when there is a demolition taking place or probably in an existing building that is likely to have been constructed several decades ago.

The importance of a survey

There are reasons associated with conducting such asbestos surveys in Surrey especially in an already existing building and here are a few.

  • It allows you come to terms with the presence of asbestos in your premises if any and the amount of it that is present.
  • It makes you analyse whether the asbestos present in your premise is intact or has disintegrated causing harm to the employees in the unit.
  • You get to come to a conclusion on the whether you want to remove the asbestos by professionals for asbestos removal in Chichester whether they are intact or have degenerated.
  • The need for such surveys

    Several years ago when asbestos was an integral part of almost all constructions, people didn’t know about the adverse effect this mineral had on a human body. Continuous contact with its fibres may not come up with immediate symptoms of illness but with every passing day, the fibre settles well in the lungs of the body and when there is a significant accumulation of it, the symptoms surface and then it eventually making it fatal for the body.

    It is essential for you to conduct such services at least once for your building especially when you have no idea about the presence and also when you have already made use of asbestos. Checking for any disintegration for the already existing material is something that that could save the lives of several working under you.

    How do you choose the right surveyors?

    While you are aware of the hazards that asbestos causes, you are to ensure that the best people come to help you with the asbestos surveys. You could get hold of them from the Internet, local directories, acquaintances, etc. Before you make a choice on the right people, you are to check the following.

  • Do they have a valid license to conduct the survey?
  • Do they own a team of trained professionals?
  • Would they help out with a team for asbestos removal in Chichester if required?
  • Would they help you with a genuine and detailed report of the survey?