Exercise And Training For English Bull Terrier Puppies

Author: Boss Bull Terriers

Because of the nature and physique of the English Bull Terrier Puppies, they require a lot of exercises. Playing in parks, extended walks and secluded areas help the puppy to stay fit. It also helps them to strive for less attention in the house. Your dog’s exercise will also help you fight weight gain, which is a very common problem with Bull Terriers. Try finding secluded areas to play with the English Bull Terriers puppies, as they would be aggressive towards other puppies in the near vicinity if they are not used to other puppies and dogs.

Having this breed of dog is a good way for the owner to be in shape as the puppy will play or walk for hours. It can be used as a perfect buddy for joggers and hikers. It will help you to get your kids tired as your dog will play with them for hours.

Without proper exercise, the puppy can become destructive in the house or chew some items. They are also quite clear about the fact that they don’t like to be alone. A perfect exercise program is required before the puppy is left alone to stop any frustration from displaying inside the house.

Training English Bull Terrier puppies are hard work, but it will make certain that the dog is a pleasure to be around for a long period of time. The dog is likely to be very possessive of the house and family members. There are countless training methods to prevent this kind of overprotective behavior. The puppy requires dominant and firm handling as it is used to be the dominant party. Hence an owner necessitates establishing a chain of command quite early to prevent the puppy from taking over the household.

The dog is very clever and smart, will sniff out which fellow of the family is the boss in the house and which portion of the family they can easily ignore. If it is planned that more than one person will handle the dog then everyone out of these people should involve themselves in training and nurturing of the puppy.

Due to the strength possessed by this dog, wrestling games should be strictly avoided with this breed. They see this as a match for the dominant position in the house and this should be avoided at all costs.

The breed is allied with jumping at people with their teeth shown i.e. without wanting to bite or attack and this act can strike fear into people’s mind. A command of the word SIT is as a result very important.

It is imperative to train the dog to be a prepared walker on a leash as it is nearly impossible to let the dog walk around on his own outside the house or garden.

Many people use the English Bull terrier Puppies for agility and obedience events as they love to be used for this and they adore that they can show off their skills in front of a crowd.

About The Author

John Wilkinson is an expert dog breeder who also likes to write many interesting articles and blogs, helping people choose the best canine companions for their homes. He recommends BossBullTerriers.com as the best place to find bull terrier puppies for sale.