Value Based Content Is Worth for Search Engine Journal
The internet is completely based on many battles of attention. There are a lot of people trying to boost their business with different marketing strategies. We have shared some facts about Search Engine Journal in this article.
Main Reasons is to chase wrong numbers of Sessions and Pageviews
Now the success of content depends on their page views and sessions done over the internet. The cyber world has changed many of our habits. But it is strange to say that the way of consuming content online has not changed yet. There are various publishers have begun to focus on the metrics of attention with traditional dimensions like page views. It is considered meaningful when someone reads your content rather than visitors just liking and constant receiving of notifications. We need to stop thinking about the number of notifications and likings. But in spite of that, the more attention should be given to the reader who is spending a time to read our thoughts. A success of any blog it evaluated on the basis of creative writing not based on a number of page views.
There is the only way to grow any business is providing content which is worth for someone else. It is not important for reach large number of masses but it worth to connect with the heap of people who remember us by our thoughts and ideas.
Measure the Value of good Content
- Survey of NPS – It is a survey which evaluates the sincerity between shopper and brands. This is one of the best ways to check the value of your content. It can be easily checked by asking few simple questions to the people who recommend our blogs.
- Attention on Comments – The comments given by the visitors has a great value with the boom in social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. They can share your blog and content with lots of remarks and retweet them as well.
3. Monitoring of Shares and Mentions – The moment blog is shared on Buffer Blog people mention them on social media sites. It helps to check out the value of content generated based on visitor’s shares and mentions. If a post is really worth and beyond the reader's expectations then there will be the hike in a number of shares from the audience repeatedly. For more information about SEO services in India, visit this website.
Author Bio:
This article is written by Albert Lee. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clears your doubts on the best SEO Company India.