Girls’ School Trousers: A drastic change in rule!

Author: Julia Martin

Girl students used to wear skirts in schools. But, the new rule has come where the management wants them to wear trousers instead of skirts. Management wants to make the school to be a safer place for the students where as students feel like being trapped in a jail!

These days there is a revolutionary change happened in the dress code of the school goers: Girls’ school trousers! Well, in past, girls used to wear skirts and tops as school dress. But for last few years, a drastic change has come in this matter. Many schools want their girl students to wear trousers and shirts, just like their male counterparts. Some of the schools are very much strict with their rules; they don’t want to negotiate with the formal attire they are offering to the students.

If we take a look at the view point of the school, we will get a vivid idea of their logic behind this new rule. They want their students’ safety firmly, and they think that, short skirts may harm the safety of the students. They think that the previous dress code sometimes destroys the image of the school. In the opinion of some principals, in the co education schools, the students sometimes found doing some unlawful deeds that doesn’t acceptable at all. The way to stop such actions, they suggest the change in dress code Girls’ school trousers. In their opinion, in present world there is no difference between a girl and a boy. These days even girls’ have to attend several activities like boys. So, trousers will be much more suitable for them.

Now if we take a peek in the students’ logic we’ll find a totally different picture. Most of the students are very much unhappy with this rule. They do not want the rule to be so firm. They are thinking that, the principal or the management are very much strict to them and there is no reason behind this. Some schools are so strict with their rules that, students feel like living in a jail or studying in an army school. In their opinion, they are pretty much over boarded with their books and studies; now this new dress code seems an extra burden on them.

Guardians even support their children in this matter. They do not see any problem in the previous dress code. Some schools even send their students in isolation till their guardian come to pick them. Moreover, many of the schools send their students back to home to change their dress. Students spend most of the time of their day at school, where they enjoy their lives without even fearing about anything, but this rule is breaking their patience. Where the management wants the school to be a safer place, the students in reality feel unsafe there.