Importance of Availing Festive Loans At The Earliest

Author: Sujit Kayastha

You can have your loan approved with the minimum credit-verification checks and with minimum paper work or documentation. Isn’t that incredible?

Few advantages of going in for a market-place loan to meet out your festive needs

Reduced interest rates, flexible EMI’s and adequate returns on investment

As the entire process of lending and borrowing money takes place online, you can get your loan approved sans middlemen. It is a direct one on one agreement between the lender and the borrower. You can choose the interest-rate, which you plan to pay upfront towards the loan.

And you can choose your tenure with which you can plan a thorough default-free re-payment. EMI’s are designed after you zero in, on the rate of interest and tenure of re-payment. You can thus plan your EMI’s after calculating the disposable income you have, at hand. This is one of the biggest advantages of going in for a short-term pre-approved loan with a P2P lending platform. And in India, P2P lending companies offer you very good features, when it comes to borrowing loans. As a lender or an investor, you can earn a whopping interest of 20-25% per annum, which far surpasses traditional forms of investment. Hence approaching a P2P company is a win-win situation for both the lender as well as the borrower.

Very fast turn-around time

With a growing P2P company like LenDenClub, you can have your loans approved within 18-24 hours of having applied for the loan. With the festival season fast approaching, faster approval of short-term loans can prove to be a boon for you.

Minimal paper-work or documentation

P2P are pre-approved short-term loans that facilitate loan approval with minimal paper-work or documentation. You do not have to run helter-skelter for getting credit bureau reports and other complicated documents that banks or traditional financial institutions usually claim.

100% funding ratios

A company like LenDenClub boasts of a perfect 100% funding ratios which mean almost all borrowers who applied for their loans have got them sanctioned. Even a borrower with average credit scores can get his/her loan approved with a P2P lending company.

Simple and hassle-free technology

Once a borrower or a lender registers himself across the market-place lending platform, the physical and financial credentials are thoroughly checked. This is with the help of simple and efficient technology in place. You thus have a hassle-free and a seamless experience when it comes to lending money or borrowing loans.

Your educational background, companies you have worked with and other softer norms are also considered while your loans need to be approved. Peer to peer lending sites thus form the back-bone of short-term loans online.

Processing fees is minimal

The fees charged by a peer to peer lending site like LenDenClub is miniscule compared to stringent banks or financial institutions.

Apply for a festive or a short term loan online and see how your life transforms drastically.