6 Tips for Developing a Customer Friendly Ecommerce Shopping Cart Design
Online shopping experts indicate that most shopping carts are abandoned because of a complex checkout system. For designers of ecommerce websites, usability should be a major consideration. After all, once a customer has bought a product, he wants the checkout process to be quick and easy. Here are 7 tips that will make your shopping cart friendly to customer and thus avoid abandonment.
A Combination of a Mini Cart and a Full Page
The general eCommerce shopping cart design is to combine both the full page and mini cart designs. The mini cart is pushed to the corner of your page or placed above. It is advisable to include both carts. Since the mini cart does not hide the general information, once a product is selected, it is pushed to the sides. It allows you to see all the products you have already picked. You can also see the total price. A full page check out like this here is used to show additional details on products and payment options. It also indicates tax obligations, shipping options and provides a chance to edit the content of your shopping basket.
One Page Vs Step-by-Step
A step by step procedure makes checking out easier. There are different actions for each stage with the option of continuing, returning or canceling the order. Step by step allows a buyer to confirm the decision other than have to refund because a mistake was done. A single page checkout system is also appropriate and quick to use. All the information is put on one page including billing, personal details, shipping, shopping basket content, etc. It is quick but prone to errors.
Larger and Obvious Buttons
Accessibility of the checkout button makes it easier for customers to make purchase decisions. As such, use prominent and easily accessible buttons like these to indicate checkout. The text and options on the cart should be legible and clear. Provide all options available to the client.
Using a Table Based Layout
The table is the best layout for a shopping cart. Products shopped are on one column with their prices and quantities appearing on others. The borders should be strong and visible to avoid confusion. When all elements are included in a table, it is the easiest cart you will ever use.
Continue Shopping or Checkout
The links are placed below the list of items in the basket. When a customer clicks on the ‘continue shopping’ button, he is redirected to the catalogue or store. The alternative button reveals the checkout options. The two buttons are made very easy to find and thus a shopper makes quick decisions.
Limit the Number of Fields
Customers want an easy and straightforward checkout system. It gets worse when a customer has to fill unnecessary information. Simplify the process by grouping similar information. Provide a significant size of white space to create an impression of minimal details. You may also use accounts like this here that automatically fill in the details. A shopper who finds it difficult might never return to your store.
The basic principle of a good shopping cart is usability. The fields should be clear and buttons intuitive. Reduce the details filled to make it appear easy to use.