Everything it is to know about mobile shelving

Author: Fredrick Durrenmatt

In the past years, numerous warehouse owners have understood the efficiency and importance of installing mobile systems in order to maximize the storage space. For those who are not familiar with them, these systems are static racking, shelving, lockers, cupboards or any other type of storage equipment that are put on mobiles or moving bases. The mobile shelving systems can be moving aisle, in which case they move from left to right, side to side or rotary.

They can be used nearly in any sort of storage area where space is short supply and running low. For instance, in a room where there are static shelves with four separate aisles, it will be more efficient for those shelves to be replaced with mobiles and use only one aisle, since the remaining three ones can be used for storing even more mobiles with more shelving on them, thus increasing space capacity.

One of the reasons why this sort of racking system is a better choice is that it helps organizations save more money. Investing in such storage systems is a lot more cost-effective than moving the entire business to larger premises and proper financial management is definitely the no. 1 priority of any warehouse owner. What is more, it is also a solution that saves you and your employees a great deal of time, because they can access the goods stored a lot easier. You should also consider having some wide aisles in order to be easier for forklifts to go through shelves in case you store heavy loads for instance.

Another very good reason owners of warehouses should choose mobile shelving out of other storage design ideas is that it can help them buy more time. Before moving to any bigger premises, it is recommended to take advantage of the existing space first and one great way to do so is by adding mobile shelves and racks. Believe it or not, they can actually increase storage space of 60 to 100%. This means that you can postpone buying a larger building and moving your business to another location and use the money saved in other purposes more useful for the company.

What is best about this type of racking system is that it can be used to store nearly anything, regardless the business sector, be it commercial items, retail items, medical products, cold stores, archives and so on. Depending on the type of items you want to store, you determine the strength, mobile type and racking or shelving used. Furthermore, these shelves can be placed in a wide range or places, from hospitals to schools, retail stores, stockrooms, law firms, museums, health centres and many more.

If you are interested in purchasing such mobile shelving units for your business, you should know that they also require a planned maintenance program in order to ensure they work properly for as long as needed. An annual service is required in such cases and this aspect can be discussed with the company from which you buy the shelves.

If you want to find out the best shelving design ideas or to learn more about mobile shelving, please visit these links!