Advantages Of Student Loan Consolidation Plans And How Beneficial Are They For Students

Author: Studentdebt Reliefnow

Surveys and studies have shown that the amount of money that students have to spend every month on student loan repayments is much higher than the amount of money they have to spend on buying other basic necessities of life like groceries, rent, and other utilities. One of a good way suggested by many experts to ease this stress of federal student aid consolidation is by opting for student loan consolidation plans.

Some of the benefits, which consolidation of these loans showers on the students, are as follows:

Benefit Of Lower Internet Rate

This benefit does not need any explanation. One of the first things that we look at, while selecting a loan is the interest rate that we would have to pay. Lower the interest rate, lesser the burden of the loan would be in your pocket. Through the Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Obama, students can get the advantage of the change in the interest rates that may have occurred since the time they first took the loan. Also, the credit rating of the student might have improved during this period, and this can translate into huge benefits for the student when he gets his loans consolidated.

Benefit Of Fixed Interest Rate

Another very big advantage of loan consolidation is that it changes the rate of interest being charged on the loan from a variable interest rate to a fixed interest rate. Ask any economist, and he or she would tell you that the variable interest rates are only going to increase in the future, and therefore, your financial burden because of these increased interest rates will also increase in the future. On the other hand, when you have a loan with a fixed interest rate, you know the exact financial liability on you, and you can accordingly plan your federal student loan repayment better. On the face of it, a fixed rate of 6-7% may seem high, compared to the variable 4-5% interest rate, but when viewed from a long term perspective, it is better to opt for fixed interest rate, and this is available only on consolidated loans.

Benefit Of Changing The Repayment Tenure

Many students opt for student loan consolidation plans, simply because, thanks to this conversion, they are able to extend their repayment term, giving them more time to pay off their loans, and at the same time, it also reduces the monthly burden of repayment on the students. On the other hand, there are some students who want to get the tenure of the loan reduced. These students may have found a job which has increased their income significantly, and therefore, by making bigger payments towards Federal Student Loan Repayment, they want to pay off their loan as soon as possible and get the burden of the loan off their chest.

The choice of consolidating loans should be carefully thought out and properly planned. If handled well, loan consolidation can be a life saver for many students.