Eat Good to Fuel your Workout

Author: Arati Shah

High class athletes are aware of the fact that success is in conjunction with training and nutrition. They cautiously select the foods they eat, so the appropriate combination of nutrients fuels their success. Similarly, you too can transform your eating habits. Eating smartly will help you reap the benefits of being properly fuelled in order to carry a good workout. By maximising muscle growth, helping recovery and refilling glycogen stores, you will have the necessary energy and endurance to power you through your workouts and other athletic activities if any.


Expert nutritionists suggest protein for endurance and strength trained athletes from 1.2 to 1.7 grams/kg body weight depending on the training. This protein intake can typically be met through a proper diet alone, without the use of any protein supplements.


Carbohydrates are one of the vital nutrients for athletes as they maintain the levels of blood glucose during workout and replace muscle glycogen, the carbohydrate that’s stored inside muscles. Muscle glycogen is the primary fuel during prolonged workout. To stay fuelled, nutritionists suggest carbohydrates for athletes working out on a regular, highly intensive basis to be from 6 to 10 grams/kg body. The amount needed relies on a person’s total daily calorie expenditure, gender, type of workout and environmental conditions. For those who are part time recreational exercisers, the diet needs to include about 55-60% carbohydrates coming from healthy sources such as whole grains and not refined carbohydrates.


The intake of fats must be in the range of 20 to 30% of total calorie intake. Also, fats must not be restricted below 20% as they are a vital source of calories along the essential fatty acids. They aid in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.


Today, many diet programs including the corporate wellness programs stress on the importance of fluid intake for athletes and exercisers. Adequate fluid intake before, during and after workout is vital for health and optimal performance. Nutritionists recommend drinking 15 to 20 ounces of water at least two to three hours before workout and then another 8 to 10 ounces ten to fifteen minutes before exercise. During workout, drinking 8 to 10 ounces every ten to fifteen minutes is recommended.

If you are into an intense endurance workout that last for more than 90 minutes or are working out in an extreme environment (cold, hot or high altitude), then it’s best to have an energy drink to stay hydrated so that carbohydrate intake is adequate enough to maintain the blood glucose levels. This intake should give you 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour.

Before & After Your Workout

It’s important to balance your diet before you start your workout session. Food eaten prior to the session must be relatively low in fat and fiber, moderate in protein and relatively high in carbohydrate to maximize maintenance of blood glucose levels. Within half an hour of a workout, the diet taken should aim to offer adequate, electrolytes, fluids, calories, carbohydrates and protein to replace muscle glycogen and promote recovery.

A balanced nutritional diet before and after a workout session is extremely important to build a strong and fit body. Here, an expert opinion that of, an authorised nutritionist will matter a lot, as the diet requirements must be taken care of in a proper way.