Rules for Peacefully Coexisting With Your Roommates
Many young adults in their twenties have roommates in order to afford moving out of their parents’ homes. This article offers some tips on how to develop a healthy relationship with the people you share your space with.
You will most likely have roommates at some point in your life. Whether they’re college roommates or apartment roommates, the rules to peaceful cohabitation are pretty much the same. Respecting the people you’re living with, respecting their privacy, and maintaining clear communication are key factors to developing a healthy and drama-free relationship.
Although some people look for roommates because they don’t like to live on their own, many make this decision because of financial reasons. According to Forbes, you can save thousands of dollars each year by renting a place with someone else. In New York, the amount of money you can save on rent by sharing a two bedroom apartment with someone instead of renting a studio by yourself exceeds $7,000.
If you can’t afford applying for a home loan yet, and your financial situation doesn’t allow you to live by yourself, roommates are a necessity. If you’re lucky, they’ll soon become members of your extended family. If not – and if you decide to stay – you must learn to coexist without too much tension. Here are some tips that will help you develop peaceful roommate relationships:
Communicate from the beginning. Whether you’re moving in with your best friend or with someone you’ve found on Craigslist, set clear boundaries and rules for living together. Talk about your schedules and habits. If you have similar routines, things will run more smoothly. If you have to wake up early every morning and your roommate comes in late and makes a lot of noise every night, it will soon become uncomfortable. Just in case, purchase a pair of top-notch earplugs – they may come in handy at some point.
Consult your roommate when decorating. Apply any drastic changes you’d like to your own room (as long as your rent agreement allows it). However, when it comes to shared spaces, you must always ask your roommate if it’s okay to hang a poster or paint a wall with a crazy color.
Clean. Always do your dishes – this is usually the easiest way to keep peace in the kitchen. When it comes to cleaning the shared spaces, agree on a schedule and stick to it. Even if you aren’t a particularly tidy person, be considerate of your roommate. On the same note, if their sloppy habits are bothering you, speak up.
Never borrow without permission. This goes for everything – clothes, food or bathroom products. Make sure you ask before borrowing something, and return the item in the same condition you got it. If you break it or lose it, replace it.
Announce your guests. If you have someone coming over, give your roommate a heads-up, especially if they’re going to stay overnight. If another friend needs to crash at your place for a few days, make sure your roommate is comfortable with the situation.
Needless to say, the most important characteristic of a good relationship between roommates is mutual respect. As long as you are considerate of their needs and habits, everything should go smoothly.