Top Law Colleges in Telangana
Telangana has lists of a lot of good colleges in terms of placements, academics, faculties etc. There are many colleges that offer LLB course; the college's list contains both the public college and the private ones. There is a wide variety of options for the students, the fees range between 15k to 1lac for the full duration.
Top law colleges in Telangana include Osmania College of law, Mahatma Gandhi Law College, post-graduate law college – Osmania University, Pendenkanti Law College, KV Ranga Reddy Law College etc
How the rating has been done for the Law colleges.
The rating has been done on the basis of the smart quotient (SQ), which is basically a type of algorithm which is used to define the priority order of the colleges. Factors like alumni reviews, placement statistics, infrastructure, rankings, ratings, alumni reviews determine the smart quotient level of the college.
What is the Admission Procedure?
A candidate for admission to LL.B. semester course has to qualify for the LL.B. Common Entrance Examination (LAWCET) for that academic year. The candidates will be admittedly strictly in accordance with the merit secured at the entrance examination, keeping in view the Rules in force in respect of statutory reservation of seats under various categories of candidates.
One of the top law college "University College of law – Osmania University" offers different options for law students, the courses offered by the college are: LLB, LLM, Postgraduate diploma in the law of taxation, Post graduate diploma in cyber law. The minimum eligibility for admission in LLB courses is at least 45% marks in case of General category and 40% of the total marks in case of SC and ST category at the Bachelor's Degree examination in 10+ 2 + 3 pattern. The college is situated in Hyderabad, Telangana and has been ranked 19th among top 20 colleges offering law in India. The seat intake of LLB is 60 seats and 60 & 80 for PG diploma in cyber law and Master of law. Also, it is one of the public institutes in Telangana.
The college has a student-faulty ratio of 1:60 and has a very good academic record.