Are You Aware About Some Of The Lesser Known Facts About Diabetes?
Diabetes, that has also now become a common problem like high blood pressure or depression, is an incurable condition. It is incurable as it can’t be treated completely. It can just be controlled with the help of medicines. It is also referred to as high blood sugar or high blood glucose. It is all due to excessive increase in the level of glucose or sugar in the blood. Physical weakness, tiredness and exhaustion are some of the common symptoms of diabetes. Though we come across numbers of diabetic patients in routine life however we are still ignorant about certain facts about diabetes. What are some lesser known facts about diabetes?
Here are some of the rarely known facts about diabetes that may amaze you. i. Large numbers of people are unable to confirm occurrence of diabetes in their bodies for considerable period of time. They come to know about this condition only when symptoms appear severely.
ii. It is worth noting that people who are at risk of suffering from high blood glucose may prevent occurrence of Type 2 diabetes by being regular in physical activity. They may keep this problem at bay by losing weight with the help of light to moderate physical activity.
iii. There are no symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. It implies it may go unnoticed and can be confirmed only by taking help from medical health care professional.
iv. Among large numbers of diabetic patients, only 5% population is affected with Type 1 diabetes. Rest all may suffer from this problem due to genetic factors, excessive body weight, lack of physical activity etc. v. In complete contrast to popular belief that diabetes is caused by consuming too much sugar, this problem is actually caused due to malfunctioning of the pancreatic beta cells. The insulin hormone that has a chief role to play in glucose metabolism isn’t produced in requisite amounts or it is not used properly by the body. It means people who eat too much sugar, sugary products or other sweets need not worry as it is not the real cause of diabetes. vi. Blindness is largely caused in adults of working-age due to diabetes. It is due to blurring of vision as a result of lack of energy to the eye muscles.
vii. Diabetes also increases the chances of occurrence of heart issues. It is due to the reason heart also has to make extra efforts due to lack of energy in the body.
viii. The severity and frequency of occurrence and appearance of diabetes symptoms can be reduced to considerable extent with the help of Bariatric surgery in obese or overweight people. ix. Diabetes patients need not follow strict meal plans or diet plans. They can take normal diet as other people provided they are taking proper medicines.
x. Diabetic patients may also lead an active lifestyle under the supervision of experts. The only way is to start with mild to moderate activity and then move up.
So we have seen that diabetic patients may also enjoy good health. They need to be aware about all the facts about this condition. Ramdev diabetes cure is an excellent way to control this condition.