Efficient twenties for carefree sixties

Author: Jessica Carter

Good barbershops in NYC are famous for the interesting craftsmen in there, who tell adorable stories and have a huge life experience. Once I was struggling with my job and constantly frustrating about my college. I could never tell a barber would help me with that, but I was given great advice and now want to share some tips on how not to waste your twentysomethings years.

1. Don’t be afraid of underemployment

You will never find a decent job right away unless you’re extremely lucky. Your work may be somehow insufficient, but you must ensure that it relates to your specialization and it will leave a good remark in your CV. Prejudice is natural for human beings, and employers tend to give refuse the candidature of engineers, who have had a two-year experience in a coffee shop. Connect your job with your profession, and your qualification will grow exponentially. Therefore, higher ranks and more options will be available for you.

2. Do what you want to do

It is never too late for a twentysomething to change things radically. We are building our lives during this decade, and you don’t want to end up a stressful life full of frustrations and disappointments. If you feel like admiring a certain profession or a sphere of interests, go deep into it. Seek for opportunities and build up contacts, move straight to what your heart desires. A strong will enhances your productivity significantly, and there is no better dope.

3. Don’t be afraid to talk

Face your problems and express them if you need to. It is okay to find a therapist, by the way. It makes up more expenses. However, some people just can’t motivate themselves enough to move on. Ask for advice from people you trust and compare their ideas with your own thoughts. You will see what slows you down by looking at somebody’s point of view.

4. Learn as much as you can

The productivity of our brain decreases when we turn thirty. Our brains fulfill with habits and useless information, which leads our self-educational process to slow down. Be curious about things you are interested in and absorb the useful knowledge. You will be grateful to your young self when you turn fifty.

5. Implement your ideas into life

Our twenties are also full of dynamic changes and lots of ideas which come out of our head like a bullet chain. That’s why twentysomethings with a strong potential are used as an idea generator. Corporations like IBM will never work that efficient without fresh brains. Show that you are the one who deserves to share and implement the ideas.

Hope these tips were helpful, and you found something, which could really change your mind.

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