Three Reasons Cold Therapy Systems Work

Author: Dean Martin

If you have an orthopedic surgery scheduled, you are more than likely concerned with post operative pain and inflammation. There are some ways to make the process easier for you.

Cold therapy is one of the most recognized forms of therapy for patients who have undergone orthopedic surgery. You can use ice to help keep the swelling down, but cold therapy systems are safer and more effective and speeds up recovery time.

If you are scheduled for orthopedic surgery, the following three reasons may help you determine if cold therapy is the right solution for you :

It’s easy to use. Cold therapy is simple to use. Each system is portable and the battery life is long lasting. The motor is quiet, so you don’t need to worry about loud or obnoxious noises. And they are also comfortable to wear.

Using ice and icepacks are a inconvenient when you are injured. Trying to recover from surgery makes ice even more annoying. You either spend your time getting up and down so you can change your ice pack, or you need to rely on someone else to do it for you. Not only is ice a pain to use, it is also not as effective as cold therapy. Because ice is not as consistent, your recovery takes longer.

Recovery time is proven to be faster. One of the benefits of cold therapy systems is faster recovery. The therapy helps to not only reduce swelling and inflammation it also helps with the pain. The cold ends up where it needs to be, penetrating deep into your joints and muscles.

It’s been tested and proven for years. Cold therapy is not new. In fact, doctors and rehab centers have used them for years. Through their usage, they have been refined to ensure patients receive the best possible solution for their post op needs.

Just a few things to consider when discussing your recovery options: cold therapy systems do not require prescriptions and need to be properly used to prevent injury. Make sure that you discuss your options with your doctor, so you make the best decision for your unique needs.

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