Benefits of Real Estate Concierge Service for Real Estate Business Owners

Author: Dreux Provencher

Real Estate Business

Real estate agents are in the business of helping their clients to buy, sell or rent properties. They display the properties on their web pages. They have thorough knowledge of the local property market. Some reputed agencies have set up offices in other countries, catering to the local population. Hence, they can also service international needs of clients. In Belgium, real estate agents operate in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia among other cities. Brussels being an important financial center for the European Union, has a lot of demand for homes. Sale or lease of yachts and aircraft is also part of their portfolio.

Who is a Real Estate Concierge?

A real Estate Concierge has more to offer than an estate agent. Buying or selling a property is a major decision which is frequently beset with misgivings and doubts. A concierge is trained to understand this aspect and address it to the satisfaction of the client. In addition to the job profile of an estate agent, his or her role includes the intangible but important role of displaying empathy and providing support at all times. The seemingly peripheral concerns when buying a property such as good schools, convenient parks and shopping centres are not the concern of a regular estate agent. But it is the primary concern of the real estate concierge services. They claim to have a sustained passion in helping others to realize dreams of owning a home. This passion is missing in a regular estate agent, whose only aim is to close a profitable deal as quickly as possible. Concierges help with unpacking and setting up the furniture at no extra cost. They have a no-tip policy in place and are adequately compensated by their salaries.

Real Estate Concierge services portfolio

Concierge services have at command professionals in different areas such as:

  • Realtor Professionals – showing the client the best properties
  • Real estate services – advice about insurance, tax, title etc.
  • Builders and Communities – Knowledge of the reputed builders and communities in the neighborhood
  • Mortgage professionals – the best loan officials

Concierge Services Belgium

Best Real estate concierges have become the norm as far as sale of luxury properties is concerned. They study how the client manages his property portfolio and are also sensitive to the client’s lifestyle needs. In Belgium, this is definitely the case. Here, luxury real estate concierge services are just part of any reputed luxury concierge services company. Other services include lifestyle concierge services and estate management concierge services.

Many real estate agents are choosing the option of transforming themselves into real estate concierges, providing their clients more services and greater satisfaction.