Commonly Misused Words in English

Author: Alex Jone

Do you know there is a difference between you're and your? Have you been getting low grades in the assignment and dont know the reason of it? Well, if you are confused about these questions, then it is possible that you may not be using some of the words in the right way.

It happens because there are some words in the English language that seem similar but may not be appropriate to use for all the situations. Keeping the importance of this topic in mind, we have come up with a write-up that tries to give you an idea of some of the commonly misused words.

I vs. Me

Both of these words are the ones that a person uses to refer to him or herself. It could lead you to getting confused if you dont know the right usage of it.

I is the word that is used to refer to a person who is speaking.

On the other side, you can use Me if you refer to yourself while speaking to someone.

Can vs. May

Both of these are verbs and are used to express the act of doing something. But, correct usage of both of it would happen if you keep the situation in mind.

Can is the verb that expresses the ability of a person to do something. For example, Marco is well prepared for the exams, so he can relax while we have to study.

May is the verb that shows that a person can do something after getting permission. For example, Alice may not be able to drive the car for a while because the doctor has asked her to rest to recover fast.

Their vs. There vs. They're

Their is the word that is used to refer to belongings. For example, its their home.

There refers to a place. For example, you cant sit there.

Many people get confused between the words their and they're and misuse they're instead of their while refering to the belongings. They're actually is a contraction of they are. So, you should keep it mind while writing English.

Who vs. Whom

Who is the word that is used to refer to a person, but only if you ask someone about a person. For example, who is that boy?

Whom also gets used to refer to him or her. For example, with whom you are talking?

Fewer vs. Less

Both of these words seem to have the same meaning, but its not right.

Fewer refers to something that is smaller in number.

And Less gets used to refer to something that is smaller in amount.

So, these are the some words that you misuse often in daily live. Hope you can get the right idea about these words through this article.

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