How To Improve Cash Flow For An Event
Author: Attune Event
Events can be complex or simple and can range from a single event to a multiple sub event. Smart event organizers are aware that they can and should exercise all possible amount of control over the cash flow. And yes it is possible to improve cash flow to any event, however difficult it may sound, it is absolutely feasible. The best and optimal way to achieve this is to choose the right system of online event registration and ticketing system that offers the correct modules which allow the manager enough control. We are aware that the human tendency does behavior the online sale and purchase of event tickets and the amount of registrations. This tendency can be best optimized by the use of online event planning software which can promise up to 30% more attendees. Irrespective of when the potential audience is made aware of the event, it is not necessary that they will register instantly for the event or buy tickets. Nor do they register as per the time in which you operate, thus the idea is to make it as convenient for the audience as much as possible. We can reach them through their preferred social media with an online patch and offer variously priced tickets as per diversified segments. It is seen that as many as 30% registrations to an event are made outside of the official working hours of 9 am – 5 pm. Which simply means that limiting yourself to the manual way of registrations can mean a loss of 30% audience or potential attendees.Thus, with a proper tab on the human behavioral patterns, you can improve upon cash flow and use it to your advantage. Remember, this tendency can raise both opportunities as well challenges in the registration and ticket purchase scenario. Let us look at some of the prospective opportunities that can lead to an increase of the cash flow.1. Opt a system in which you collect the money first and subsequently make the payments. This is possible with an online event management system, which makes it possible for you to collect the revenue prior to making payments for the expenses. This will ensure a positive cash low.Alternatively, ticket sale "at the door" brings in money after the expense has been made.2. To generate cash, make use of incentives. You need to strike the right balance between discounted tickets to ensure maximum registrations and charge on each ticket to ensure an optimal revenue from each participant.3. Set the event costs aside. Weigh your fixed cost against the marginal costs. If the fixed costs are high and the marginal costs are very low, then as the event manager you can choose to price the tickets low to ensure maximum attendance. This will help in spreading out the fixed cost. Fixed costs are the costs of the venue, event catering and such while marginal costs are the cost of the peripheral functions of the event.It is important that you outline the various costs involved and segregate the tasks accordingly. You should be able to manage the cash flow to ensure that financially the event is not a burden.