Guidelines on SAT Test Preparation-Test Score and Fees

Author: The Global

SAT is well known among the student fraternity when it comes to appearing for various tests while seeking admissions overseas. Scholastic Aptitude Test or SAT as you know is a standardized test with a pre-defined syllabus specifically designed to test your critical thinking, critical reading, writing and analytical skills. Your first SAT test preparation tip is to prepare is to take full advantage of the opportunity given by this test as it is a means to judge a student's competitiveness and likelihood to succeed in a course that the universities consider while taking their decisions.

SAT tests your proficiency in a particular subject and is usually taken by students who are interested in doing specialization in the fields such as English Literature, World History, Mathematics, Biology or Chemistry. As per the latest news on SAT this year has been set with the test duration of 3 hours plus 50 minutes for essay. The SAT test costs about US$52.50 which doesn’t include late fees if need be. The SAT test score ranges from 400 to 1600 while combining results from two 800-point sections, namely, Mathematics-Critical reading and Writing. Taking into consideration the new pattern a SAT test score of 1000 out of 1600 is deemed as average score while 1200 or above is what you must strive for. The SAT test course fee for Indian students is about US$ 92 while with Essay it is US$ 103.50.

Let us look at some of the important SAT test preparation tips that may come in handy for you:

  • Elimination method: There is only one correct answer so learn to be picky about choosing the correct one no matter how dubious the question may seem.

  • Categorizing mistakes: Keep a track of all your errors and mistakes you committed while practicing the questions during your preparations and watch for any specific pattern and hence eliminate it.

  • Context: Particularly for preparing the reading section, be aware of the contexts and the connotations in the words that will help you in eliminating wrong options from the answers.

  • Strategy: This is of profound importance while practicing for passages and reading, as you might want to incorporate skim reading the passage as it gives you room for answering smaller detailed questions first.

  • Key Points

  • Memorizing important formulas

  • Keep a check on Grammar

  • Skip difficult questions to avoid stress and committing errors on the simpler ones.

Last but not the least don’t forget to double check your answers!