Here’s how to make money with Affiliate Program

Author: Arvind Gupta

Here’s how to make money with Affiliate Program

Rakuten is one of the top affiliate programs around the world, and its position was further strengthened since its partnership with Linkshare. While that is great on the part of the affiliate network itself, it adds nothing to your bank account unless you are making money as an affiliate on this platform.

And if you're not seeing any income through your affiliate dashboard, or you want to earn more from the, perhaps you want to learn how to begin earning money as a new affiliate on; this post is for you.

But first,

Get your Affiliate Link!

If you don’t have, a Rakuten affiliate account yet but, if you have an account already, login into your dashboard, get the affiliate link for the offer you would like to promote ( usually one with high payout ) and then…

Go to and sign-up as an Advertiser is one of the best advertising networks around. With a wide reach, you're sure to get the best clicks for every penny you spend with them.

Sign-up as an Advertiser, and then make a deposit, which could be as little as $25 to as the minimum.

Compose ad to your affiliate offer

Next, compose the ad for your affiliate offer and add the link, either directly or through a landing page ( lets you link directly to all your affiliate offers ). automatically picks keywords needed in targeting your ad all by itself.

Once you're done composing your ad, you're good to go! Sit back and you will begin to see sales come in from your ad.

In typical instances, although your result depends on other factors too, for every $1 you spend on the website, you should be getting an average of 10 sales from it, indicating the quality of clicks you would be getting on the website.

Clicks here come cheap; for every click on your ad: you would be paying as low as $0.001 for real human visitors from partner publishers on the network, which means that 1000 clicks would cost you about $1.

With this possibility, if you decide to increase your ad spend to $100, you would be making about 100 sales on your offer; assuming the offer pays you $10 for every sale that you make, that means you will be smiling to the bank with about $10000. Speak of how good things can it get!

You need to ensure that the payout on every successful sale you make is high enough to get you high up in the profit end and make sure that the offer itself converts very well too.

While other methods of promoting your affiliate offers can give you money, none other is this simple, yet so effective; just pick a good offer from your Rakuten affiliate dashboard, compose your ad to it on, and begin to see result almost immediately, without any grueling task that takes time to bring results.

I wish you best of luck in your money making endeavor. And don’t forget to give to the poor/charity once you begin to see results.