4 Must-Know Tips to Pass ACCA Professional Papers
People who pass ACCA exams are not always those who have complete knowledge about exam curriculum. In fact, many time well-prepared students will often fail to do justice with them. One of the common mistakes that people usually do is that they emphasize on revising the syllabus of ACCA pattern only. It is correct that content will help you to get pass in exam but, it is not the sole factor that should be taken into consideration by the candidates. MCQ questions can help you to go through the technical paper but, for the professional exam, you have practice some more.
Exam technique is considered as the holy grail of passing ACCA professional paper. Another factor that impacts the result is exam strategy in which the candidate should be well aware of various question structures and patterns to obtain marks in the most efficient manner.
Below are 4-must tips to pass ACCA professional papers:1. Plan your answerIt is enticing to think that "the more you write, higher the marks you will get", but it is not the case every time. Passing the ACCA Professional Course is all about efficiency; it means you should try to get maximum marks in the least time. To do this, you need to plan the answer. Complete your answer before time and at the end check whether it is well-structured or not? Plot the answer and note down important points that you are going to explain in the paper.
2. One Point, one markThink carefully about the marks awarded when you are following the first tip. Assume that you are provided with one mark for one question- in this way you can calculate the probable result. Go through complete ACCA course to gain maximum marks in the professional paper.
3. Allocate time properlyAnother mistake that impacts the ACCA professional paper result is poor time allocation. Many ACCA candidates end up expending too much time on starting questions and left with less time for long questions. To prevent this problem, first go through ACCA course details, exam pattern and allocate time proportionally. This step enhances the chances of picking up marks in the ACCA Professional Course.
4. Be disciplinedIncomplete answers are one of the most common reasons to fail ACCA professional papers. Set a time limit and stick to it carefully.Zell Education provides ACCA Professional Course training to the candidates. The portal is a platform for employers and job seekers to converge and find the best fit for each of the interested parties. Contact Today!