Play Rummy with your pals

Author: Deccan Rummy

Games like rummy that we played with friends during our childhood have always been memorable and cherished moments in our lives. Remember those awesome days when we played rummy with original cards, clustered in a table or a veranda? Remember the little scuffles and altercations because of card games that ended with a big chortle? Card games helped us to develop a close bond. We sure reminisce about those colourful days more often than not, isn’t it? How many times do we wish to time travel to our youth to relive all those exciting moments where we played, fought and enjoyed with our friends? DeccanRummy is out to provide you a platform to relive such memorable moments.

Did you know that you can earn money every time a new player signs up with us through the Bring-A-Friend tab in your account?

While it’s always fun playing rummy with your friends, it’s much better if you’re getting rewarded by playing so. Referring a friend, acquaintance, well-wisher or relative and making with sign up with us could earn you a lifetime bonus. Not bad for something that only takes a bare minimal effort, right?

In addition to some extra cash, you are letting your friends know about an exciting rummy site in the process and entitling them to the same excitement that you’re having with us.

There's no limit to the number of friends that you're allowed to refer. Cash will keep flowing through the Refer A Friend program as long as they keep playing with us.

How the offer works?

Once you introduce your friends, you will get "Unlimited Lifetime Bonus"-10% of your friend’s fees for every new friend you refer on Deccan Rummy.

In addition to bringing you lots of money, Your friend can then play all the games, tournaments, avail promotions, bonuses etc! It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Maximize the benefits of this offer by referring as many friends as possible.

How to refer a Friend

  1. login to your account, click on Bring-A-Friend Tab
  2. Click on My Referral Code where you will find a unique link that you can share with your friends. Mail the link to as many friends as possible and do remind them to register with us.
  3. Click on Refer Friends tab and enter the email of addresses of all the friends that you want to refer and click on Send Message button after entering the correct captcha. Your friends will receive a Joining invite with a custom message from us.
  4. You can check your referrals by clicking on Referral Details

Referral Bonus

Here’s a look at how you go about earning the bonus. As mentioned earlier, 10% of your friend’s fees for every new friend you refer on Deccan Rummy for life.

Once you earn 1000 referral points, you will be eligible to redeem it. 1000 referral points will give you Rs. 100 to your account.

  • Click on Referral Bonus
  • Total Bonus point will indicate the total points available after redemption
  • Pending Bonus points is the number of bonus eligible for redemption. Please note that a minimum 1000 points should be eligible to process any redeem
  • Released Bonus Points indicate the amount of Bonus points that have been redeemed
  • Players can redeem their referral bonus by entering the number of points they wish to redeem (min 1000 points) in the box below and click on Redeem.

Terms & Condition:

  • This promotion is limited to one account per customer. Account sharing is strictly prohibited.
  • Multiple registrations for a single player is strictly prohibited and if found it may result in a permanent ban.
  • The friend you invite must not have already registered with Deccan Rummy.
  • Deccan Rummy reserves the right to modify/cancel this promotion or to discontinue it at any time without liability and without notice.
  • The decision of Deccan Rummy will be final and no further correspondence shall be entered into in cases like validity/eligibility of any entry.

*Standard Deccan Rummy terms & condition apply.