Hire Drupal programmers for developing content-oriented websites

Author: Jason Roiz

The recent years have witnessed an incredible improvement in the popularity of Drupal CMS. You can easily spot websites that have been developed using Drupal CMS. Well, the built-in content management features of Drupal make it the number one choice of individuals who require websites that need to focus, purely on the content part. If you too want to build a content-focused website then hiring trained Drupal programmers is what can serve your need. Through this article, I’ll be highlighting the importance of choosing Drupal for developing content-focused websites.

What are content-focused websites?

Before getting into the details of using Drupal for developing content-focused websites, let me make you familiar with what exactly such websites refer to. Well, content-focused websites are those websites that provide regularly updated content. In a content-focused website, the user-user interaction is always subordinated to the content. Some popular examples of content-focused websites include news-oriented websites (online newspapers and magazines), Wikipedia, blogging websites, live journals etc.

What makes Drupal a perfect fit for developing content-oriented websites?

Whether it’s about adding a contact form, blog etc. using Drupal allows you to built really amazing content-oriented websites. Drupal features, which make it a perfect fit for content-oriented websites, include the following:

Menu Management- This Drupal feature makes it easy for the web developers to use the menus for incorporating seamless navigation within the web pages. The two primary menus that are being used for making a website function efficaciously include:

Primary Links

Navigation Menu

By default, Drupal programmers are provided with the option of keeping the Primary links towards the top and the navigation links towards the bottom on the left side of each web page. Other option available within the Menu Management feature includes the Navigation menu that has an ‘Administrator’ menu. This ‘Administrator’ menu has the ‘Site Building’ menu that allows the Drupal

programmers to access the Menu Manager with complete ease and flexibility.

Default Home Page

Drupal’s Administration menu comprises of a Site Configuration section that allows the Drupal developers to set the Default Homepage within the website itself. Drupal experts make sure to provide the website’s homepage URL in the Site Information option available under the Site Configuration section.

Content Creation

In Drupal, forming the website content is a straightforward task. All one needs to do is simply login as the administrator and choose the "Create Content" option in the main menu. After this, the type of content that needs to be added can be chosen from the numerous options available in Drupal CMS. If you’re inclined towards developing an e-commerce portal then you may choose to add the eCommerce module options that’ll allow you to add products.

Drupal offers you the option of adding two types of content viz: Pages and Stories. Unlike the case of creating a page, in case of a story, the name of the author and the time of publishing are being revealed. You may choose to hire the services offered by a professional Drupal Development Company that’ll look after all the content that needs to be placed on your website.

Author Bio:

Jason Roiz is a web developer by profession and a writer by hobby and works for Drupal Development Company. He loves sharing information regarding wordpress, Majento, Drupal and Joomla development tips & tricks. If you are looking for Drupal Programmerthen just get in touch with him.