Different Trends of the Stock Markets.

Author: Mahendra Rajput

As equity market is a market where equities or share of different companies are issued and traded, that is also known as capital market apart from that there are two types of capital market 1st one is primary market, in which through IPO (initial public offering) different companies offers to the investor to invest there capital in that company, here company provides dividend to investor as a return,

After issuing IPO share comes to Secondary Market where a general trader or investor can buy or Sell those share if he own that is known as share market or equity Market.

The prices of share depend upon some factor like fundamental ( profit and loos, its quarter result, balance sheet and some other factor that directly or indirectly affect the performance of that company

And another one is Technical Analysis on the basis of which according to its support and resistance level of share we can work.

A share market tips or future and option market is market that facilitate a real price discovery because if you want to buy a share at particular rate like INR 120/- for this there should be a Seller who want to sell same share at same rate,

hence For each buyer one seller is required and for each seller one buyer is required.

suppose if you went to a Shop to purchase a shirt cost around INR 1000/- but you are not willing to pay INR 1000/- for that obviously you will bargain for that and purchase that shirt at fixed rate on which seller or shopkeeper will agree to sell.

like the above example in share market there are many more buyer and seller are available whose expectation would be differ to buy or sell or at which rate have to buy or sell.

for that prices of share or bullish or bearish trends of share depend on the expectation of buyer and seller and availability of both and some technical and fundamental analysis. in this both condition (bullish or bearish trends) you can make profit form the market.

Signature – Mahendra Rajput [E-MARKETING EXECUTIVE] | Ways2Capital Provides MCX tips, intraday stock tips, NCDEX tips, forex tips, commodity tips. We also provide full support during market hours. | TO GET MORE DETAILS- VISIT US ON http://www.ways2capital.com | CONTACT US ON 0731-6554125