Magento Quick Order Extension – The Perfect Vehicle in Enhancing the Capability

Author: Vikram Kumar

We are living in the digital world where the advent of the computer and the Internet is considered as the most phenomenal inventions. The advents of the computers and thereafter the mobile phones have revolutionized the entire communication systems, which can be felt in almost every issue of our life and society.

The online marketing platform is one such issue that brought us immense ease and comfort in buying or selling of products or service, without stepping out of the living room. It requires lots of inputs and constant upgrade, along with necessary extensions, to make the online site more convenient for its precious clientele. The Magento Quick Order extension allows the customer to select and booked the order in the quickest manner and that is even without visiting each page separately.

Some of the benefits of this particular extension are as follows:

For Customers:

v This extension allows the customer with an astonishing speed via a unique popup or may be a CMS page, which helps in adding multiple products to the buying cart and this can be done without searching each page to make the order.

v The searching of any item is quite simple. Just type some letters about the name of the product or SKU numbers, there will be the complete ranges of items coming up automatically as the result of the searching. It is worth mentioning that keywords are mentioned and highlighted transparently;

v It shows the popup of the product characteristics and also customized the options for the customer in selection of the configurable products, while on choosing of the same.

v The Magento Quick Order extension automatically and instantly calculate the full amount before adding items to the buying cart and if the customer changes the quantity of product, the amount is also being updated automatically

v The extension supports the CSV file for normal products and that is without any custom option. Customers are allowed to download a sample file in CSV and after filling the required information, the same file can be uploaded to make an order of large quantity in a very speed lightning process.

For Admin:

  • It has the potential of selecting and displaying of quick order variety in a specific CMS page or in the popup;
  • The Magento wholesale quick order enabling the search option by the SKU details or by the name as extension default;
  • This has the ability to hide some specific products from certain customer or group of visitors at the online shop;
  • Enable to select which groups of customers have the opportunity to apply for Wholesale Fast Order in the online shopping;
  • This unique extension allows the admin to determine the limit of the numbers of results, revealed in the catalog from the panel of the admin;
  • The Magento wholesale quick order has the capability of customizing the minimum number of typescripts before that is allowed to display unique auto-complete results, as per the wish of the customer;
  • It has the amazing ability to customize decimal divider or separator for each individual variety of currency.

If you are having an online retail store and wants to upgrade the same as more user-friendly and comfortable; the Magento quick order extension and the magento wholesale quick order can be the solution to do so.