Why timeshare?

Author: Concierge Realty
Giving a new facet to the real estate world, timeshares (vacation ownership) have slowly gained popularity. Timeshare properties are properties with a particular form of ownership or usage rights. There are some particulars to timeshare systems:

Understanding timeshares

  • Timesharing is a unique ownership system
  • The properties are a group of single identified units
  • Has multiple owners for a single unit of property
  • Cyclic round robin method of ownership – based on how much time each person is allotted
  • Timeshare property is considered sole rights of the owner for their allotted time period
  • Usually has associated companies that maintain and run the place for a fee
  • Can include sales, re-sales, rental etc.

Why timeshare?

There are many advantages to this system of ownership:

(i) People get to have their own ready place of stay – Usually, if someone frequents a particular place for vacations every year, it is best to own a timeshare because the lodging facilities are available as required.

(ii) Spacious and better equipped – Since timeshares are individual properties; they are spacious (usually condos or something similar) and much better than cramped hotel rooms.

(iii) Privacy given priority – Timeshare properties offer infinitely more privacy than other hotel rooms or any other forms of stay.

(iv) One time purchase – If you buy your share of time in a property, it is most often a one-time purchase, with the property being readily available for the time period as per the deal.

(v) Lending to others – If one is not able to use their timeshare for the allotted time, they can be rented out to someone (timeshare rentals) or even lent to friends and relatives who might need it.

(vi) Can accommodate more people – Based on how spacious and pricey the unit is, more people can stay comfortably than is considered possible in hotels where individual rooms need to be booked.

(vii) Can beat vacation rush – Since timeshares are usually very popular in famous tourist places, they are a great way to beat the vacation rush of people booking rooms and lodging in advance.

(viii) Timeshare exchanges give opportunities to explore – If you own a timeshare property, it can be exchanged with some other timeshare owner situated elsewhere and this gives more opportunities to explore.

(ix) Pay for usage – Buying individual vacation homes might sound a lot cooler, but they tend to remain useless and empty for most part of the year and are too expensive, all things considered, when they are going to be used only for a limited time every year. Owning a timeshare means to pay only for what one uses and not for those time periods that the property might be idle.

(x) Year round maintenance – Timeshare properties are maintained year round with no additional cost, so you don’t have to pay separately to maintain properties.

(xi) Have a wider variety of choices – Timeshare systems make expensive properties affordable because one only pays for a part of it.

Dealing with timeshares

Many companies are now dealing with timeshares options like, there are timeshares for sale, for re-sales, timeshares are available for rent etc. Concierge Reality specializes in these options and is a reputed and trustworthy place to make your timeshares deals.


Sam Cook is an expert on the concept of timeshare vacation homes and also likes to write many interesting articles and blogs on the topic, helping people to understand the various aspects of this system. He recommends ConciergeRealty.com as the best name to trust for timeshares in Aruba, Maui, Cancun and Hawaii.