Buprenorphine Treatments: The best way to escape the ‘dragon’

Author: Opiate Care

Heroin addiction is a brutal shot at reality. Since its invention, it was marketed as a pain-killer that could completely numb the severest of pains and aches stemming from mental trauma, operational traumas and a range of other agonising experiences. But at that particular time, the early 1900’s to be precise, no one knew about the disastrous effects the drug could produce. If you’re short on information on this matter, we should tell you that heroin is one of the most addictive drugs on this planet and has been known to be the leading cause behind millions of deaths due to overdosing. Heroin has this particular quality to it wherein it basically kicks into a person’s bloodstream causing an immediate euphoric effect. When the drug is released into your bloodstream via chasing, smoking or direct injecting, it stimulates the dopamine receptors in the brain. This leads to the receptors stopping secretion of the natural dopamine required to sleep and replaces the flow with a ‘rush’, as coined by addicts. This rush is the only thing that brings people back to the drug time after time and when an addict quits the habits, he or she faces severe withdrawal symptoms for a week or so.

But this week doesn’t signify that the craving stops right there. Famous addicts such as Anthony Keid is from the popular funk band "The Red Hot Chilli Peppers", has claimed that he still thinks about the drug on a regular basis despite being clean for more than two decades. So it’s best to stay away from the needle and avoiding peer pressure will definitely help in the long run.

Now coming to the withdrawals, we have to be honest that it won’t be easy. But as they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Similarly, where there is withdrawal, there’s buprenorphine treatment. Buprenorphine is a revolutionary drug that can stimulate the brain to bring the feeling of euphoria that heroin brings. However, Heroin works on all the receptors of the brain, which is why the effects are heavy but buprenorphine works only on half of those receptors which is why it does not cause a dependency on the opioid.

People see addiction as a dead end, but it’s not if you are dealing with best Heroin treatment center. Nothing in life has a dead end as far as efforts are willingly put into the equation. With the help of certified buprenorphine doctors from OpiateCare and regular controlled dosages to combat the withdrawal, the patient in question can get better and eventually come off of the drug. So if you or any family member is suffering from any kind of opioid addiction, visit your nearest buprenorphine treatment doctor at OpiateCare today.