Essentials to Carry, While Visiting a Gym i Haninge

Author: Eira Gore

Packing the bag, before leaving for gym, is never a good option; as you might forget important items. Some of the essentials you should have in your bag are water bottle, nutrition bars, jump ropes, comfortable clothes,

A pizza with toppings, such as, pepperoni, salami, green peppers, mushrooms, sauce and just when you bite it, the mozzarella cheese gushes into your mouth. Are you picturing it already? If not, then you have finally decided to compromise with lip smacking food to stay fit. You might have even promised yourself all the morning jogs or the 20 minute workout sessions, or would have even browsed "how to stay fit, without eating nutritious food or exercising?" However, after giving up on all these options, you have signed up for a gym i Haninge. After attending the first day, working out for quite some time, you might often find yourself sweating. Imagine, not being able to drink water, as you don’t have any bottle. In order to avoid similar situations, you can consider packing your gym bag in advance. The following are some of the essentials; you should not give a miss to, before lacing your gym shoes:

Water bottle: Although most of the gyms have water fountains, it is always advisable to carry your own water bottle. This is mainly because, most of the people drink from these and there are chances of these water fountains being covered with bacteria; especially on the mouth and handle. Keeping a bottle will ensure that you take those small intervals between your vigorous workout sessions and keep you hydrated.

Nutrition bars: These bars are tasty, convenient and can provide proteins to your body, after a workout. The nutritional value depends on the kind of bar you buy. For example, eating protein bars, while weight-training, will help you gain muscle mass (Schuna C., Livestrong, ARE PROTEIN BARS GOOD AFTER WORKOUTS?, 2015). On the other hand, if you want to lose weight you can select a protein bar, which has lesser amount of calories.

Comfortable clothes: Though you might think that working out regularly is more important, as compared to the clothes you wear; this is not always the truth. It is important for your body to move freely, so you can avoid wearing toot tight or restrictive, such as, denim. You can opt for clothes that allow your body to breathe, during a workout sessions. You can even consider carrying an extra fresh t-shirt, to keep you free from sweat, on your way back home (Self, 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE IN YOUR GYM BAG, 2014).

Jumping rope: If you are planning to warm-up, but there aren’t any cardio machines available, you can consider skipping with a rope. This rope can also be used as your hamstring stretching tool. You should definitely not give this rope a miss, as it requires hardly any space in your bag.

Along with these, towels, face wipes, earphones, etc, are some of the other things you can consider carrying in your gym bag. If you don’t have these items, you can buy it from the variety of butiker i Haninge. One store, which provides similar items, is Gymhallen. You can drop a visit to this store, while visiting a gym i Port 73.