What Can Happen If You Don’t Get a Cavity Filled?
Cavities are fairly common, and chances are you have already been treated to a few. Once teeth starts to decay, a cavity is formed. To treat this, your dentist will remove it and cover a filling to prevent any further decay in that particular area. Cavities form in different parts of the tooth, like in chewing surfaces, the roots and in between teeth.
Regularly visiting your dentist does not guarantee you being cavity-free. But if you leave your cavities unfilled, tooth decay can drastically worsen. While regular cavities usually do not cause pain, progressing decay can lead to headaches and toothaches. And once it reaches and inner part of your mouth, severe pain and abscess can take place, which will then require a more in-depth treatment.
Here are three reasons why it is important to get that cavity filled.
- Unlike the rest of your body, your tooth cannot heal itself. Those antibodies that fight infection do not reach the enamel and dentin of your teeth, so it cannot kill any unwanted matters looking to hurt your teeth. So once tooth decay starts, the only way to stop it is to remove it and fill the empty space it left.
- A cavity will only keep getting deeper and deeper. When left unfilled, the cavity will grow. No tool can stop it; so only by getting the cavity drilled and the tooth filled can it be healed.. In no time, you will develop a root canal which is a painful, time-consuming and more expensive than dental fillings.
- The tooth will die eventually. When you cannot get a filling or root canal done in time, your teeth will die. This will happen once the decay cuts through the teeth and destroy its nerve ending connection to your gums. A very painful process, your dentist will mostly recommend that you get a root canal or dental implants at this point.
Sure, not all dental insurances cover dental fillings. But even if you pay for this procedure out of your pocket, you will potentially be saving yourself money and stress in the long run. Contact a reputable dentist in your area now and start getting those cavities filled. And, of course, do not forget to regularly care for your teeth with regular brushing and flossing.
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