Top 4 Tips to Get High Quality Wheeled Walkers & Walking Frames

Author: Martin Jackson

It is really tempting walking into one of those medical stores and searching for a quality wheeled walker that can meet your needs. Most times you stand the risk of throwing your money away once you fail to identify the particular type that you actually want.

Wheeled walkers have been known to be a great option for seniors than making use of a wheelchair but only when you know how to get the right one. This is because it has been discovered that most people are not fully aware of what to look out for in order to get high quality wheeled walkers. If this actually sounds like you then you are at the right place as this post will be aiming to have you exposed to some of the tips to watch out for when wanting to buy one of those wheeled walkers.

Discovering these tips can only guarantee that you will be getting access to the best and high quality wheeled walkers anytime you want to buy one. This is because your decision will definitely improve regarding what to choose and the ones to ignore. Some of these tips are going to be stated below.

  1. 1. Consider the Width

The width is very important. Although this is greatly dependent on what the seniors at home may prefer. The width of every wheeled walker is almost the same. This means that you may have to be very observant so as to differentiate the particular one that will meet your needs. Some are slightly wider than others. You should always go for the ones that are narrow in terms of their width measurements. This is because such type of wheeled walkers can actually pass through your door with ease.

2. Effective Brakes

Be sure that the brake is very effective and can easily respond whenever it is applied. Most wheeled walkers have brakes that are too stiff which makes them to be very difficult to control. The brake has to be the soft touch type to enable easy control.

3. Consider Wheel Size and Numbers

If you can have access to a wheeled walker with 4 wheels, you will see how easy and comfortable it can be moving it around. Also, when the size of the wheel is big, it will be able to move easily as compared to when they are small.

One thing that you may also need to remember in this regards is that when the wheels are 4 in number, it tends to be more reliable. This will enable a senior to move it with more freedom and comfort.

4. Average Height

When the wheeled walker is too high, there is every tendency that its user is likely to fall backwards. On the other hand, once it is too low such can make the user to crouch over it. There has to be a balance. What you have to do is to ensure that the height is similar to the crease of the wrist of whoever that will be making use of it.