Branding is bigger than marketing!

Author: Vineet Kathuria

When it comes to talk about marketing we are flooded with information on the subject all over the internet and the management schools are stomping out freshers every year feeding them with all the aspects of marketing and advertising. However when it comes to building brand most of them confuse it with the marketing of your product specially in today’s scenario of online promotion.

The rise of online branding & marketing agency setups in the market proves that there is a paradigm shift of audience using digital media as their preferred medium of communication and thus most of the brands are moving onto the online platform to their audiences.

It is not just creating logos, colour schemes, tagline or SEO, visibility across various online platforms. Branding actually is a concept much deeper than this. Advertising is you shouting for your brand, branding is people shouting and hailing your brand.

Yes, advertising is your point of view and marketing mix helps you to place the product in the market in a certain way that people know what problem it can solve for them. Let’s take the example of Shweppes which marketed itself on the threshold of being a cold drink or tonic water soda.

While advertising is letting people know who you are, the other is the process of how you are perceived by your audience. You may get the dice rolling but you don’t always control the opinions.Hence whatever you say your brand does also needs to be backed up in action.

Making it a cult It most definitely helps to have your brand form a cult of its own. In popular culture the brands that define a genre by providing a unique experience develop a cult readily. But you can only do that when you are very clear about what your brand can do and how to advertise it. This is the point where advertising and marketing steps in. When you take your brand to your audience always keep in mind that clearer your goals, the easy it is to convey the message.

It differs from marketing in a way that branding actually should form the core of your marketing.