Investing Health And Safety In Really Good For Both Employers And Their Businesses
What is safety training? It means helping workers and employees in learning how to do things correctly without getting injured. It also tells them what they should do or what not. Most of the people think that training is just like a class room or course, but it is completely wrong as it assists workers and employers in getting skills (both technical and non technical), knowledge as well as attitudes to make them proficient or knowledgeable in the health and safety aspects of their different works or tasks.
According to a research accredited by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH),"Investment in health and safety professionals or training with cuts in accident rates at workplaces". The new research was carried out by Glasgow Caledonian University In this research; they analyzed data from more than one hundred contractors or builders in one of the dangerous industries in the world that is construction industry who employed above 200,000 workers or employees jointly. During the research, they found that high qualified or well trained in the health and safety the line manager in a company or organization is, the lower the accident rate.
This means that investing money in health and safety really does have a huge impact. It helps in increasing productivity of the business by reducing the substantial disruption caused by an incident causing injury or death. Some of the major reasons "why employers should gravely consider investing in health and safety training" are:
Whether you are running a high-risky working business like construction or in a less risk business, like Agriculture / Farming, you have a moral responsibility to do all whatever you can for putting provisions in the working place to protect your workers and employees. This is outlined as your duty of care within the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Therefore, you need to provide your workforce everything such as training and safety equipments that can keep them safe from danger.
Officially Legal
Since outlined by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, any organization or company is required to offer all the vital information’s, safety instructions and training legally. If any company that not doing legal duties will face legal action.
Generally, small and medium businesses, companies or organizations do not invest or invest very less in health and safety as a result this potentially crippling to them. Neglecting to provide proper training or other safety things can damage your business badly. For example, if something happened wrong, and you are found guilty, then maybe you could charge a big compensation claim. Besides, it can increase the staff absences through injuries and illness that will affect on production, which will reduce business revenue or profit directly.
Training helps every business in running better, and trained workers will be prepared better to do their task or work carefully and many other activities.