What Corn Treatment in Houston Can Do For You
The variety of Corn Treatment in Houston involve outpatient and surgery treatment and to eliminate the recurring development of corns on toes.
Walking in pain is very debilitating. It takes away mobility and overall activity. Quality of life is restricted due to lack of movement. If the problem is due to foot corns, the problem can easily be solved in Corns Treatment Houston.
Corns are caused initially by calluses that become even harder when friction or pressure is applied on a joint or bone spur. They form on the top of the toes as the toes push up on the roof of shoes. The thickened skin becomes tight and hard to form a corn. The continued friction eventually causes an open blister or deep into the skin as a soar. Open skin causes the most debilitating pain. Treatment of the Foot and Ankle in Houston can easily cure this condition.
A corn is not a disease and does not spread. The process of friction toughens the skin and over time, the strong callous becomes the natural protection of the skin due to adverse pressure friction condition. A corn is the peak buildup of skin that causes a point pressure underneath it causing severe pressure point pain. Because most corns form on the top of toes, most make the toes feel broken due to the severe pinpoint pain on a toe joint.
Before a corn becomes too hard and is in the callus stage, there are medically prescribed medicines that when applied externally can remove the corn. The ingredient is a salicylic acid that burns the outer layer after which it can be peeled off. The risk is a chemical burn if not used carefully. The acid treatment burns the keratin protein in the skin that developed the corn.
The acid regimen is applied through drops or pads depending how widespread the corn build up has become. In between applications, the skin is allowed to heal before eliminating more areas. The acid burn is something to be careful of. The acid application must touch only the hard developed skin of the corn and layers removed at a time after each application. It is recommended that those with diabetes be cautious with acid treatment of corns and consult their doctors first.
Diabetes reduces blood flow in the skin and the healing process can be delayed with an acid peeling recovery process.
In rare cases surgery is required. This involves the surgical removal of the corn. If nothing further is done then the corn would return. The pressure against the skin is due to the underlying bone, for example a spur that would regenerate a corn. You can visit foothouston.com for Treatment of the Foot and Ankle in Houston.
The additional surgical procedure is the shaving off the bone surface to reduce the impact of the pressure point that originally caused the corn. The recovery after surgery is a slow return to normalcy to ensure no undue pressure is applied before full term recovery. Follow up visits ensure that the pressure point is sufficiently removed and that the redevelopment of the corn does not occur. Click here for more details.
As part of Corns Treatment Houston, podiatrists work on future non-occurrence of corns. This is possible as corns are not diseases, but rather developed through a cramped condition of the foot. A podiatrist will work with patients to eliminate the pressure points on toes, perhaps with pads between the toes and shoe surface or evaluating the size of the shoe being used.