What To Expect From The Latest In Event Marketing Technologies

Author: Clint Barton

For some time now, technological developments are revolutionizing the marketing landscape. Event marketing companies everywhere have been using technological support in order to get the best from their campaigns and ensure the best impressions on their target market. It is changing everything related to company and consumer interaction, including service promotions and product introductions.

Professionals dealing with event industries need to remain in touch with the latest trends to ensure the best inputs for their companies and ensure the most successful results possible. Emerging technologies are ideal for promoting events and services related to event planning, and it will be sad indeed, if one is unable to incorporate them during campaign developments.

So, what can you expect from the latest trend event marketing technologies these days? Why don't you read on to find out now?

Virtual pop-up stores are the latest in e-commerce technology these days have made it difficult to differentiate between virtual stores and their brick and mortar counterparts. You will be hard pressed to identify whether you are dealing with your traditional shops or just a simulation of the real! Nowadays, one can come across such pop-up stores via various public places as markets, railway stations, and like places. Download apps using QR codes and then you can make your purchase via the Smartphone.

You will get the products you order at your desired location as is common with the online shopping scene. Some of the uses related to pop-up stores in hospitality industry in for events are for dealing with hotel reservations, purchasing airline tickets, and amenity kit purchase. Those who want can also use it for purchasing toiletries or in-flight meals when required.

Digital newsfeeds, the latest in event marketing technology are ideal for use in various situations such as trade shows, conferences, at busy intersections, and shopping centers. Their function is to feature or promote various events. Another interesting technology trend going on presently is the highly useful video pre-roll advertising. So what is pre-roll? For the uninitiated, these are 10 sec -14 sec or 2 min commercials, you find on You Tube or other websites before the specific content comes up.

This way, it becomes possible to broadcast promotional messages to well-targeted segments of the market successfully. Remember, this is the fastest growing segments in the world of advertising and being interactive, it offers viewers a chance to click and view the website of the advertiser for more information. Naturally, the rates of click through remain quite high, with pre-rolls.

Digital billboards and video projections are another fantastic way to grab the customer attention through successful use of technology. Experiential marketing companies use such techniques very well to ensure higher conversions and maximum ROI. Pop-up stores that come with mobile payment options are a hit with users everywhere because of the ease of transaction. Many other options are available to add new ones coming up every day to make the life for marketers easy in the coming times.

Those who want to know more about event technology or experiential marketing may visit http://www.elitemg.com/ anytime they want.

About The Author

Clint Barton is an event marketing expert and is known to offer some amazing tips on the subject for the general public in the many informative articles that he writes. He recommends EliteMG.com as the best service provider to trust with all your event & experiential marketing needs.