Dreaming In Reality - Lucid Dreams
Dreams will not be called as the lucid dream till you are able to find the specific differences in between the waking of reality as well as dreaming. Moreover, in the lucid dreaming, the dreamer is well capable to control his dreams. At the same time he will also be able to manipulate the dreams as well as can also direct it with an assurance that this is the dream and it is not the typical kind of imagination. Every lucid dreamer must even know different techniques of lucid dreaming and certainty checks for justifying that it is truly getting lucidity. Moreover, there are different ways to perform the reality check. So, many of them are also done by the expert lucid dreamers which will guarantee that they are dreaming lucid. However, the control is considered to be vital in dreaming as well as awareness also plays the great role to check the reality. Moreover there are few handy ways that you may do for checking if you are really getting the lucidity or if you are not getting it.
You can do the best as well as the appropriate lucidity check to known that if it’s a true and real lucid dream. Below mentioned are few of the lucidity check which is important and which is suggested to go follow if you are learning how to lucid dream.
- Breathing - It is considered to be most common and appropriate reality check which is done by both the beginners as well as the experts. You need to pinch your nose to observe the breathing. If you will still breathe perhaps then you are still taking the dreams.
- Fingers and Palms – you should try to push the finger through the palm. Moreover, index finger is considered to be highly suitable for it but either you can prefer is absolutely fine. Few even make the fist and to do the similar process.
- Fly or Float – even though it is considered by various since it is difficult kind of reality check which generally leads to the failure, few experts also see it as the strong kind of reality check. Hence, to know that if lucidity is distinct then you should try to fly or even float through the thoughts by yourself.
- Mirror - It is one more tricky reality check which is claimed to be highly effective. You can also try to look in the mirror and be scrupulous. So you really find any difference? Just check, that do you appear to be weird? In such a way you will be able to determine if you are dreaming.