Great Living Homes Offers a Range of House Designs at Budget Price

Author: Patrick Fox

The process of finding the perfect home designs in Perth usually begins with many long visits to Display Home villages or trawling the internet for pictures and house plans, but after all of this many people come out more confused than when they started because they have seen so many things they want to include in their new home, but there is often a limit to the money they can afford to spend or to the size of house they can build.

Sometimes it is best to start looking for suitable home designs once the buyer has already secured the land to build on, this way they can narrow down the list of designs to choose from simply by having information such as the zoning of the land, the location, which way the home will be positioned, whether the garage needs to be at the front or rear of the home, what council regulations apply and of course the size of home they can comfortably fit on the block.

Most people know going into the process whether they want to find 2 storey house designs or single storey and it is often difficult to change their minds once they have decided this, so this decision can also help to narrow the field of choice when selecting home designs. For example, if the buyer knows they want a 2 storey home then they are likely to be unhappy with settling for a single storey design so instead they can search for specialist 2 storey home builders and reduce the number of builders they need to make enquiries with. The location is another piece of information that can further reduce the size of the home builder pool to sort through because some builders may only build in selected regions.

Smaller home builders are often overlooked because they may not have the big advertising budgets that the big companies do, but on many occasions smaller builders provide faster and better communication because they have fewer clients to assist. They also tend to have more time to spend with their clients ensuring they are completely happy with their home design and they take more care throughout the building process. Small builders are also more likely to offer custom home design services rather than selling high volumes of standardised designs.

So when you are looking for home designs in Perth, support the little guys and look forward to seeing big results!