To Get A Bigger Tax Refund You Need A Huge List Of Possible Tax Deductions

Author: Ablok Jonson

Are you tired of getting paltry tax refund checks year in and year out? Or, do you owe Uncle Sam every year? Have you heard in the news every other day that some rich senator, young tech media mogul, large corporation or oil billionaire paid little to no taxes?

If you have not heard all of this talk, you have been living under a rock. If you have heard about these folks not having to pay taxes, no doubt it has rubbed you the wrong way. Actually, it might have pissed you off because you wonder why do they get to keep their money while the IRS takes what seems like every dollar you make.

One reason this happening to you and millions of other Americans is because we are leaving money on the table. You see, the rich pay people like tax attorneys to find out what legal tax loopholes and deductions are available, so they can write them off. The Average Joe never does this.

However, there is a way for you to even the playing field. How do you do that? Simple, you educate yourself on tax law. However, there is one little itty bitty problem with our tax code. The U.S. tax code has over 4 million words, which is more than two times the length of the King James Bible and seven times the length of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace.

Got time to read all of that? No, I didn't think so.

Did you know, 75 years ago, Form 1040 instructions were just two pages long? Today, you have to read over 214 pages of instructions. We have some serious tax complexity problems! No wonder so many people wind up owing taxes every year.

In addition, there is the difference between what is legally owed the federal government and what it actually collects in taxes each year which is called the "tax gap." The IRS estimates it is about $385 billion.

Other studies have placed that figure higher — at upwards of $600 billion. Who is paying for that gap? You, me and other people who have been duped. No wonder the General Accounting Office admits Americans have overpaid billions in taxes by not using all the tax strategies, reductions and deductions they are entitled to.

It is time to change all of that!

There is a way to get complex tax issues distilled into easy to understand strategies you can quickly and easily use, so you can get a bigger tax refund.

You need someone to break it down for you in an easy to understand language, so you can cherry pick the deductions that will save you lots of money...just like the rich. Once you know what those hidden deductions are you can write them off on your taxes too.

Get A Bigger Tax Refund, will show you how to take advantage of the tax laws instead of letting the tax laws take advantage of you. Visit and sign up for the FREE newsletter and Exclusive Report: "6 mind BLOWN Reasons We Need A Simpler Tax Code."