Few Words About Teaching in Thailand

Author: Stuart Spindlow

English is not only the official language of ASEAN (Association of South east Asian Nations) but it is also the language of international business and presently, the complete international communication and entertainment as well. This means that every Thai wants to learn how to speak, read and write English. Thus, there is a huge demand of teachers who can teach the nation, how to master the language. Thailand tourism industry is growing at a rapid rate and thus, the need of English speaking people are even more.

The real qualification which matters in Thailand is whether you are a native speaker or not. However, the official requirements have also been relaxed over the years to accommodate larger number of teachers. These changes can be noticed in every country where the population wishes to learn English. Employers would insist for a bachelor degree for the incumbent. This is more important than the original TESOL or TEFL degree. The bachelor degree can be of any discipline though. Anyone who offers forged documents will be prosecuted and employers generally run a thorough check with the degree issuing colleges and universities to check the authenticity of the degree.

If you prove to be qualified then teaching is one of the most prestigious jobs in Thailand. However, having fun, or Sanuk as the Thai call it, in social interaction is the key to having a better relation. It might not be easy to teach but it is rewarding and satisfying career.

When you want Teaching in Thailand as your career, you need to decide whether you want to teach adults or the kids as those are two completely different sectors. There are many international schools who follow the curriculum of the country where they are affiliated. These schools employ teachers only if the teacher has the qualifying degree as needed in the country where the affiliation is. These schools pay the highest salary and these jobs are in high demand.

There are some chains of private institutes while some totally independent institutes also operate. The quality differs greatly and the better ones are choosy when it comes to selecting a candidate. This is why one should have proper qualifications as they will be paid more salary and be selected by the top institutes.

Teachers can also work in high schools but the pay is rather low in these schools. However, on the positive side, the stress is much less when it comes to that.