Plausible Reasons behind Pain after the Cavities are Filled

Author: All Smiles

Fillings help with restoring damaged teeth helping it to function normally and preventing further decay. Tooth infections are quite common after filling and when it occurs, it leads to severe pain.

There are several reasons behind pain around the fillings, each of which stems from a different cause. Some of the most common reasons behind tooth pain following a filling include the following.


Some people are allergic to the material used in fillings. To avoid tooth pain following filling the cavities, make sure to inform the dentist about allergies while s/he discusses the filling options.

Structural Problem

Tooth pain can be caused if the filling does not fit the tooth properly or in case cracks develop. If you suspect the toothache to be caused by an ill-fitting or cracked filling, it is crucial to get in touch with the dentist as soon as possible.


A tooth that had a filling placed recently will be sensitive to the cold and hot foods, the pressure of biting and air temperature. This pain usually resolves in few weeks. In case it does not resolve, the dentist can be contacted.

Bonding Failure

When the surface of the tooth is not dried properly or suffers contamination, there are increased chances of bonding failure. Even a hairline gap between tooth tissue and the filling may permit the external stimulations to reach the pulp, leading to tooth ache. Apart from pain, bonding failure also enhances the chances of new decay. In case the gap is too deep, the pulp may be infected by bacteria. The bonding failure symptoms are quite akin to that of cracked tooth.

Incorrect Bite

One of the most common ways tooth pain is caused following filling is incorrect bite. This is caused either when the filling is higher than original tooth or when the cusps are not shaped properly. When you chew food, the force is not exercised evenly. Most of it is exercised on the tooth that has recently hosted filling or its cusps. The application of excessive force will cause intense pain. A dental emergency, a dentist must be got in touch with as soon as possible in such an instance.

Post Root Canal Pain

If the filling is in use for restoring tooth following a root canal therapy, experiencing tooth ache is common. In most cases, tooth pain is caused by irritation of periodontal tissues and subsides in just a few cases. However, intense pain indicates root canal failure.

Deteriorating Filling

Constant pressure from grinding, chewing and clenching may cause the dental fillings to chip, crack or wear away. You may not be able to tell if the filling is wearing out and it is crucial to get in touch with a dentist for examining it. They can identify the weaknesses in restoration in the course of a regular check-up. In case the seal between the filling and the tooth enamel breaks down, decay-causing bacteria and the food particles can work under the filling, risking the development of additional decay. Untreated decay can infect dental pulp, leading to an abscessed tooth.

Infections commonly occur owing to a crack in the filling allowing the entry of bacteria into the dental cavity. Visit your dentist and allow him to diagnose the problem as soon as possible.