Give an Advanced Turn to your Grade Calculation Methods!

Author: Marvel Soft

Grade Calculation is one of the most important activities at school. It’s also one of the important tasks of the teacher. To remember, Grades must be calculated with at most care. Teachers spent most time in grade calculation with the calculators, papers and applied formulas.

These were the age old techniques. Now since everything is advancing, may it be black boards turned to green, slates turned to books, books turned to tabs, classrooms turned to smart classes. Advancing is when replacements are making tasks simple. While everything around is advancing in school it’s also important to advance or simplify the school administration as well. When software can calculate the grades of the students in few minutes why sit on one’s hand calculating grades manually? It’s now time to say Calculators turned to Software for advanced grade calculation.

Actually, Yes! Why do you call it Advanced Grade Calculation?, they ask.

Let me justify my statement. It’s very simple.

Every School has their own formula to calculate the marks or grades scored by the student. SchoolAdmin grading system will fit to calculate grades for any board of education may it be state, CBSE or ICSE.

It’s very well known that every division i.e. the Nursery, Primary or Secondary classes within the school might have different formula to calculate the final scored marks and grades. As we go higher class you need to score higher marks to get good grades is what teachers say! In my school if a 4th class kid score 85, we give A+ grade. However, if a 9th class kid score 85 it’s B+. So how is that possible in SchoolAdmin?

Well, this is really easy with SchoolAdmin. Why because each and every class in the school can have their own formula to calculate scores and generate grades. Any formula can just fit into SchoolAdmin’s Exam Configuration.

Perhaps the formula might change over the years? Anytime you can modify the exam configuration as its modifiable every academic year.

That makes SchoolAdmin give advanced turn towards grade calculations.

All we spoke so far is only about the grade calculations. Don’t ask me if you’ve to now enter the marks manually in report cards or word sheets. No way! School Admin generates Report card, all you’ve to do enter the scored marks in SchoolAdmin and just click a button to take a print of report cards. Rest of the calculations like consolidated score; overall grades will be calculated by the software based on your formula sheet. Also get various other reports of marks from SchoolAdmin.

Does it make your work simple? Get Advanced Now.