3 NEW Internet marketing trends in Toronto to look for this year

Author: Bush Marketing

Internet marketing is ever-changing in Toronto, and this is what makes SEO so challenging and rewarding. Internet marketing is a sophisticated way for any modern marketer in Toronto to powerfully target core audiences and communicate their message. Internet marketing gives good platform and opportunities for small-scale businesses, medium scale businesses and start-up businesses to become successful.

Success in the field of Internet marketing in Toronto is not that simple. The unique mantra to success can be acclaimed as ‘You need to have the foresight to plan ahead and capitalize on new marketing trends before your competition does’. Below are few Internet marketing trends that can be anticipated, and taken advantage of, this year.

  • Mobile friendliness: As per a survey it is observed that 4 out of 5 people use smartphones every day. Smartphones

have become an inevitable part of our lives which makes it a compulsion to lead to a great amount of development and innovations in this sector. According to statistics,

  • More than 50% of searches are on mobile
  • 91% of Facebook usage is on mobile
  • 80% of Facebook advertising revenue is on mobile
  • 90% of mobile media time is spent in apps.

So in the upcoming Internet marketing campaign for Toronto of your company; mobile friendliness definitely should be one of the key marketing strategies.

  • Return of email: Emails are considered to be the old way for Internet marketing. Hence, in recent times not many Internet marketing campaigns in Toronto use this old way. But we should not forget that ‘old is gold’. One more fascinating fact is that it still is 40 times better at winning new customers than the more glamorous social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. But it could also work in a wrong way if the content is not proper, and with one or two such bad emails there could be dozens of unsubscribes. To avoid this, pay extra attention to the content and subject lines of your emails. Just remember that browsability, images, and interesting content will virtually force your prospective clients in clicking and opening your emails.
  • Live streaming videos: It is human nature that anyone would prefer to watch a video rather than reading about any product or service. Live streaming videos offer a chance to interact with the relevant and interested audience in an authenticated and relatable way and this is what impacts the most in any internet marketing campaign of Toronto.