{Bright Circle Reviews}: How can these 5 steps protect your account from identity theft?

Author: Bright Circle

Identity represents your mail accounts, address, medical details, social security number, credit card details and much more. Identity is something that authenticates you and actions taken by you. When you apply for credit card, you are provided with a card number with three digit pin to make sure only you use it and can authenticate your purchases on any shopping portal. In this digital world, where most of the information is online or stored at various accounts identity protection is a pre-requisite. It is mandatory to safeguard your information and personal data from cyber-thieves who are present all over internet. Bright Circle identity protection services provide complete security over the web and secure your accounts offline with their outstanding services.Here are 5 steps that you must take into consideration for better account and identity safety:1. Safeguard your data from malicious virus and programs as they can fetch your account details and can send it to the third party to hack your accounts. Safety will keep your account details safe and will provide you better security over the web. Protection should start from your PC to your mobile phone. 2. Prevention is better than cure, Learn to spot spam and scams. Learn about trending methods that are used to trap and fetch your personal information. There are some phishing scams are easy to identify; other phishing attempts look very real like scams in an email, IM, on social networking sites, or websites. The best way to deal with such issues is to refrain yourself from clicking any link that has been sent to you. 3. Use strong passwords. Weak passwords attract cyber intrusion and using the same password everywhere will defiantly make your accounts more vulnerable. Once the thief knows your password, they can log you’re your financial accounts and wreak havoc. You need passwords that are long (over 10 characters), strong (use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols) try not to keep your personal information (like name, age, birthdates, pet) as passwords. 4. Review your credit score and keep a close look on transaction details, identify transactions and take immediate steps to block your account and get things investigated.5. Refrain yourself from using sites that are unsecured and non-reliable. Use highly reputable websites for online shopping and other transactions. A lot of websites are using a pop-up window to fetch your information by showing vague or false threat to your system. Even after using aforementioned steps, you face ay identity theft or account intrusion then you must take help of identity protection services. Bright Circle identity protection services offer complete protection and help you regain the control of your account by taking various actions and connecting with credit agencies. Bright circle reviews will definitely depict our commitment towards our work with a long list of satisfied customer. For bright Circle protection, customer satisfaction is paramount and each service is rendered in an unparalleled way to make them happier. Relax and unwind when you have bright circle protection by your side to protect you anytime anywhere.