2017 Career Trends
The career environment is always changing, with major influence such as job outlook, salary, education, experience requirements, technology, etc. Career choice is an important aspect of our lives and more and more people are considering a career change well past their 30's. Here’s a quick snapshot of some of the current career trends in 2017:
Less Temporary & Contract Work
Gigs are becoming less and less popular with employers, and now there is more focus on having valuable skills that are retained as a permanent employee. Because of this, it is important to acquire skills such as creativity and analytical skills to stay relevant in the workforce. Currently the fastest growing jobs are those that involve creativity, judgement and personal skills so consider this for your career choice. These jobs usually do not have such flexible working patterns.
Hot Jobs
Number crunchers, developers, accounting/finance workers, health workers, managers and salespeople are forecasted to do well this year with increasing levels of employment. Pimp up your resume for these hot jobs - maybe a digital portfolio can help boost your chances of employment.
Salary and Career Advancement are Highly Valued
According to LinkedIn reports, job seekers ranked salary at 30% and career advancement at 25% importance for their career choices.
Culture Fit & Mixed Team Focus
There’s been an increased importance of culture fit and teamwork in the workforce, with communication and collaboration being key drivers of performance in organizations and culture fit being a major factor of motivation and engagement for employees. Find a workplace with the right culture fit.
Management Styles Becoming More Informal
From a top down approach shifting towards informal relationships between management and staff, there is more support in careers for millennials in this day and age.
Routine and mostly manual jobs such as trucking and taxi driving are facing struggles due to the continued growth of mobile technology and innovations, and white-collar jobs also face problems with things such as dashboard analytics tools. It is important for workers to ‘up skill’ and learn how to operate machines rather than doing the same work that machines automate. With an increase in in-house technology carrying out recruitment and administration tasks, there is a potential threat to HR career sustainability within the next 10 years.
The always changing career environment brings uncertainty in career decision making, so check out the careers database on CareerHQ and discover a world of careers that you could choose from! Read job descriptions and find information on job outlook which will give you an idea of what career you want to strive for.