Great American Eclipse- When and How to Safely View the Solar Eclipse

Author: Trudy Seeger

August 21, 2017 is the day when Americans will enjoy a magnificent and rare space show. This will be the first time that the United States continent will be able to view the total solar eclipse in almost four decades. 2017 is the year when the solar eclipse will darken the skies from Oregon until South Carolina across approximately 70 miles of land.

People who are within the path of totality can experience this major event that guarantees an unforgettable moment that they will talk about for years to come. It is a worthwhile opportunity that enables you to watch as the universe transforms.

Special Event

  • The US was last darkened by a total solar eclipse in 1979. However, August 2017 will be the first chance for people to access this event from coast to coast in 99 years. It is actually amazing that a total solar eclipse is possible. Solar eclipses are usually partial when the moon looks like it has bitten off a chunk of the sun. Up to five solar eclipses can happen during a year but total eclipses occur once every two years.
  • The rarity of eclipses is attributed to the relative inclination of the orbit of the moon to Earth. The path of totality is narrow, which makes it difficult to access. Since Earth’s coverage is mainly water, the occurrence of a total solar eclipse in areas that are populated is rare and unusual.
  • Experts say that the
great American eclipse of August 2017 will feature the first time that the United States contains the totality path since 1776. The path begins from Oregon and travels along Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North and South Carolina.

Visit the Totality Path

Slightly over 10 million people reside within the narrow path but several million more live close by. If you can, it is advisable to find your way to the narrow path for this once in a lifetime opportunity to capture a magnificent celestial sight.

While the rest of America will experience a partial experience, it will not actually get dark and protecting your eyes throughout is necessary. The spectacular effects are reserved for the people within the totality path. Being in this path makes it possible for you to have access to the key event. Anyone outside the path will have a limited view even when the moon covers most of the sun.


If you are planning to view the eclipse in August 2017, remember that you should never look at the sun directly without eye protection. Observing the sun directly without proper protection can lead to irreversible eye damage. Eye protection consists of eclipse glasses, specially designed filters or the recommended welder’s glass.

Another way to indirectly view the sun is through gaps between the leaves of trees to watch the shadows or through pinhole cameras. Missing out on the eclipse event requires you to patiently wait for another opportunity in seven years. The total solar eclipse in 2024 will cause the skies above Texas and Mexico to darken.