The Pains and Gains of Wearing Veneers

Author: Alice Grant

Not everyone has a naturally beautiful smile. Some people are just born lucky to have it while others are not. A beautiful smile makes a great impact on your appearance. No matter how ugly your attire is, a smile makes you look more appealing. Fortunately, porcelain veneers were invented to even the scales. These are used to cover up teeth imperfections and improve your overall appearance.

What you gain from wearing veneers

Porcelain veneers Croydon enhances your smile by improving how your teeth look. If it is malformed, discoloured, and cracked, veneers can dramatically change all of this and transform your teeth to look a lot better. It gives you the added confidence you need and greatly improves your oral health.

  • Improves appearance of teeth

Veneers are made of clear porcelain or ceramic making it look realistic. It mimics natural enamel of the teeth.

  • Allows you to choose your tooth colour

Veneers have a wide colour palette that allows the patient to customise the colour of their teeth. You can make dark teeth appear whiter without worrying that it will change its colour in the future.

  • Can resist stains

Veneers can resist all kinds of stains. Its surface is impenetrable and smooth. It cannot be stained by coffee, wine or food and drinks with high contents of colourant agents.

  • Long lasting

Using proper care and a healthy lifestyle, your porcelain veneers can last you for another 20 years. Composite veneers only last for 7 years.

  • Easy to contour

Veneers, unlike crowns, do not require a long process of shaping before its application.

  • Fast results

It is the best alternative compared to brackets and other dental procedures. It does not take months or years to see the results. Applying veneers can be completed in two dental visits.

  • Can resolve several oral issues in one treatment

Using porcelain veneers does not only resolve your outward appearance. It also corrects several oral issues like discoloured or stained teeth, broken, crooked, misshapen and worn down teeth, gaps between teeth and out of proportion teeth.

  • Easy to maintain

Veneers do not require a lot of oral care. You just need to follow some simple rules to extend the life of your veneers. You have to remember to brush and floss like you would your natural teeth. In due time, you will forget you are even wearing them. Visit your dentist Croydon for its regular maintenance like polishing using professional procedures with a non-abrasive special paste. People who grind their teeth must wear a night guard. Wear a mouth guard if you are playing contact sports to prevent them from getting smashed.

The pains of wearing veneers

Though veneers can make you look fantastic, it is fake and is not fit for everyone.

  • Not everyone is qualified to wear veneers

There are contraindications in applying porcelain veneers that are why some people are excluded from wearing them. If you have decayed or weak teeth, suffer from teeth grinding or you have bad tooth enamel, this treatment will not be recommended for you.

  • Expensive

Most porcelain veneers cost a large sum of cash. If several veneers are needed to cover a wide range of teeth, it becomes very costly and it may be better to try another option.

  • Fragile

If properly cared for, veneers can last you a lifetime. But it is also susceptible to breakage especially if you are a teeth grinder or you accidentally bite into hard food or use a strong force on your teeth. Replacing your veneers can be very costly and time-consuming.

  • Teeth sensitivity is increased

Part of installing veneers is removing your tooth enamel. That increases your tooth sensitivity to extreme hot or cold food and beverages.

  • Permanent

An advantage is also its disadvantage. Though veneers will adhere securely to your teeth, it is also permanent. There is no way to turn back once you have them placed. They also cannot be re-shaped. Once they are damaged, it has to be replaced because these are difficult to restore.

  • Traumatising

Though only a little amount of enamel needs to be removed in the procedure, in some cases, more teeth need to be removed. This can cause trauma on the tooth. You should discuss with your dentist before the procedure a number of teeth you are willing to loose.

Even if there are several risks in wearing porcelain veneers, more people prefer this method because the gains outweigh the pains. Once completed and done expertly, you can have a smile that can launch a thousand ships. Several celebrities prefer veneers for its natural and beautiful results.